Example sentences of "be [adj] that we do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 I am afraid that we do not have later figures , figures for registered disabled people or figures comparable with the monthly claimant count .
2 I am afraid that we do not discuss in the Chamber applications for private notice questions .
3 After consultations with other Western governments the United States adminstration on April 24 drew back from any punitive measures against the Soviet Union over its blockade of Lithuania ( officials having previously hinted at possible limited economic sanctions ) , when President Bush gave a clear indication at a press conference that the administration considered Gorbachev 's political survival and good Soviet-US relations to be more important than Lithuanian independence , explaining : " I am concerned that we do not inadvertently compel the Soviet Union to do something that would set back the whole process of freedom around the world . "
4 All too often we fall into the trap of thinking that the only really joyful experiences of life are those that we do n't have ; we can miss out on so much happiness if we do n't appreciate what we have already .
5 Unfortunately view , and I 'm sorry that we do n't have .
6 When we are handling a horse , especially a young one , we need to be careful that we do n't do anything with it that could become a bad habit .
7 I do n't want to sound as if I have n't got sympathy with people 'cause I know it 's bloody hard , but I know a lot of blacks who use it [ blackness ] as an excuse and we 've got to be careful that we do n't use it like that .
8 We should of course be aware that we do not know what Jesus himself said : we do not have his words verbatim .
9 ‘ Jane , you must be surprised that we do n't show any sadness at our uncle 's death .
10 It may be the ones that are environmentally sensitive will be taken up and other sites which are less environmentally sensitive will not be taken up , and er so we are anxious that we do not over-provide because we are anxious to save many attractive sites around Harrogate from development .
11 Indeed it is possible that we do not understand these things very well unless standardization is taken into account .
12 It is clear that we do not in fact have the capability of sharply recalling more than a very few of our mental events as defined , even immediately afterwards .
13 ‘ We 've been talking so much , it 's foolish that we do n't even know each other 's names . ’
14 The increasing numbers of dementia sufferers living alone ; the pressures on carers , will mean that the need for all services will increase and I would suggest that the level of our knowledge is such that we do not know what the " best " care for dementia sufferers is — and what may be best for sufferers may not be best for carers .
15 Lord Willis , who put several amendments to try and defeat the Clause , said in one of his speeches that ‘ It is curious that we do not hear too much about the heterosexuals and the way they flaunt themselves .
16 It 's important that we do n't lose but we wo n't be going there for a draw . ’
17 It is important that we do not allow such incidents to affect our own lives here in Britain . ’
18 However , it is important that we do not descend to their level .
19 In deploring this latest IRA atrocity , and hoping that those responsible will be brought to justice — like all those , from both sides in Northern Ireland , who carry out squalid murders — may I ask whether the Secretary of State agrees that it is important that we do not play into the hands of the Provisional IRA by following policies which , although the IRA deny it , they want for propaganda purposes in the Republic of Ireland and the United States ?
20 It is important that we do not get away from the fact that , when any charge is laid , there must be evidence that will hold up for convicting somebody of that charge .
21 It is important that we do not hand to our successors decisions made at the end of a dying Parliament ; we should leave them to take the decisions in future .
22 It is important that we do not altogether ignore videodiscs aimed at the consumer market .
23 ‘ It is important that we do not use one penny of money that is earmarked for patient care , ’ he added .
24 It is important that we do not give this disease any opportunity to become widely established here . ’
25 Does the Secretary of State accept that if local government is to be local , it is essential that we do not repeat the mistakes of the 1973-74 reorganisation and that any reorganisation must be acceptable to local people ?
26 Of course , it is essential that we do not cross over the line of ‘ Insider Dealing ’ by giving privileged information .
27 Some manufacturers could come up trumps and it is regrettable that we do not know the name of the supplier of a truly splendid set of stamped gilt copper grip-plates with integral coronets and a trinity of really charming chinoiserie bells on the 1777 coffin of the Second Earl De La Warr at Withyam , Sussex .
28 ‘ It is best that we do not interfere , Piper , remarked one of the Commandos .
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