Example sentences of "be [adj] and that there be " in BNC.

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1 Barthes 's accounts of striptease , and all the other cultural phenomena on which he writes in Mythologies , imply that these phenomena are meaningful and that there is a ‘ true ’ meaning to which his analysis aspires .
2 There is general agreement that the management of patients who cut themselves , especially those who often repeat the behaviour , can be difficult and that there is a need for the development and evaluation of new forms of treatment .
3 Natasha knew her friend was only being kind and that there was no dig behind the remark .
4 The House of Lords Select Committee concluded that MAFF and DoE 's narrow view is unnecessary and that there was no legal impediment to a more liberal application of the Directive .
5 Every now and then make sure that your writing hand is relaxed and that there is no tension in your jaw .
6 The median voter model provides strong predictions ; it does so however at the expense of strong assumptions ( including that voting is sincere and that there is a single dimension to the decisions being taken , aspects discussed later ) .
7 I made clear in the editorial that no randomised comparative trial is available and that there is an urgent need for such information .
8 That is to say , if you want a dishwasher but know you wo n't be able to afford one for , say , three years , then make sure the plumbing is available and that there is a niche for a new fixture before you install your worktops and units .
9 Check that the lavatory is clean and that there is enough toilet paper .
10 Lord Hailsham held that the mental element required for rape was intent and that there was ample authority in support of this proposition .
11 I can only assume that , as the matter was extensively discussed earlier , they thought that the issue was dead and that there was no point in discussing it , because the arguments had been so effectively canvassed and dismissed that the Government would not contemplate introducing such an offence .
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