Example sentences of "be [adj] that [pers pn] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Not all meat and dairy products are produced intensively and Singer seems to allow that it we are confident that ours came from animals humanely bred and slaughtered then we are doing nothing wrong in eating it .
2 It is possible that it came from the east of the Frankish confederacy , rather than the Rhineland .
3 To begin with the efficacy of parliamentary control , it is clear that it suffers from the federal constitution itself : the intricacy of policy decisions , complex inter-governmental decision-making structures at the national , sub-national and supranational level , and the inherent complexity of new policy areas , have all made parliamentary scrutiny more difficult .
4 We make-believe that the dried skull is all that we have from a modern animal , use a plaster cast to estimate how big its brain was from the skull alone , and then check with the real brain to see how accurate our estimate was .
5 If you know that I have just bought an angora woollie at half price in a sale , it is unlikely that it came from Boots the chemist .
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