Example sentences of "be [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Connecting up and getting started is easy , although this time there are 128 patches to try out before deciding which ones to modify .
2 We pass some strangely shaped mountains that must have been volcanic plugs poking up through vast panoramas .
3 8–12 There have been extensive improvements going on in Jura during the last two years .
4 The militias , or ‘ combat groups of the working-class ’ , are armed units set up within factories , agricultural co-operatives , big organisations or institutions .
5 there 's been eight miners trapped down in Yorkshire but the election
6 Looking for a plausible mechanism is slightly easier , but the search has only just begun , and there are few clues to go on at present .
7 The rule that delivery and payment are concurrent conditions ties in with the unpaid seller 's lien ( see Chapter 12 ) which entitles him in the absence of contrary agreement to retain the goods until payment .
8 In other words , these are ritualised displays triggered off by the stimulus of ‘ predator-near-nest ’ .
9 Down by the tailpiece there are some screw-holes left over from fitting a Bigsby vibrato .
10 ‘ Dave rang me , see , and he said there 'd been some blokes asking around about me and he did n't think they were coppers at all , and I thought well , that could be The Firm —
11 Simon Cope of London-based commercial agent Gerald Eve , which is marketing the scheme jointly with Sanderson Townend & Gilbert , said : ‘ There has been as reasonable amount of interest in the past , and marketing has occasionally been stopped while discussions have taken place , but there are serious discussions going on at the moment . ’
12 For this is not an isolated incidence of confusion , though rarely are such errors played out in public view with such global excitement ; similar things have happened before and some of the signs were already known but went unrecognised .
13 ‘ What 're those dogs goin' on about ? ’
14 Another example of this was seen at the nest of a pair of European eagle owls , which are large birds weighing up to 4 kg .
15 ‘ Modigliani ’ , someone said , ‘ you 've been three years fiddling about with one type of head and you 'll be another three on the new design . ’
16 CO 2 is also produced in huge amounts by burning fossil fuels — which of course are organic molecules built up by photosynthesis millions of years in the past .
17 Are these rationalisations taken up by local ‘ politicians ’ or are they neglected ?
18 In reality , rarely are ideal notions followed through to literal extremes .
19 Deee-Lite are three hitch-hikers picked up in a red 1962 Falcon station wagon that levitates into the clouds .
20 These are three gigs leading up to World AIDS day on December 1 , to raise funds for the Terrence Higgins Trust , the organisation that supports people who are HIV positive and people with AIDS-related illnesses .
21 These are three gigs leading up to World AIDS day on December 1 , to raise funds for the Terrence Higgins Trust , the organisation that supports people who are HIV positive and people with AIDS-related illnesses .
22 But Boogie 's TriAxis has been a long time coming , and there are great expectations to live up to
23 There are many teachers working out of their cultural contexts , and very frequent movement and transfer .
24 I am sure illnesses stand out in all childhood memories .
25 The Brazilian panelinhas are informal groups made up of a number of dyadic contracts , that is , people linked by personal ties — family , kin , friends — but the members are selected according to their occupation .
26 He was thin , and there appeared to be dark patches growing in through the grey of his beard .
27 Your list of questions will be a considerable help in these cases as there will be obvious gaps to come back to if you have not been able to fill in a percentage answer .
28 During busier days they brought companies to the unlisted securities market but required owners to sell only 15 p.c. of their shares to outsiders — who often turned out to be long-term holders lined up in advance by the issue 's brokers .
29 I can phone through and make sure that there 'll be enough groceries to last through till Monday . ’
30 The rest of the time was devoted to history or geography , but always there would be two afternoons given over to handicrafts , particularly knitting and sewing .
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