Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Labour government that died in 1951 had been tolerant of the corporate state , reverent of union power and credulous of collectivism , and its spirit persisted : by the 1970s half and more of those in full-time employment in Britain were employed , directly or indirectly , by the state .
2 But it is more likely that a physical restraint influenced the swirling liquids — just as bad weather cyclones and hurricanes are anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise south of the equator of spinning planet Earth .
3 Destructiveness and self-doubt are preferable to the enfeebled body politic and the parasitic Church .
4 Decisions still emerge which are redolent of the pre-1964 era , such as those which manipulate the distinction between rights and legitimate expectations .
5 The loads on the structure are lower during the first half of the launch and it is not unusual to exceed the placard speed for a few seconds during the initial steepening of the climb .
6 The Government have been woolly about the exact meaning of their proposals .
7 References to experts are private in the same way that arbitrations are .
8 Psychology ( another recent coinage , this time by John Stuart Mill ) was still linked with philosophy — A. Bain 's Mental and Moral Science ( 1868 ) still combined it with ethics — but was increasingly given an experimental orientation with W. Wundt ( 1832–1920 ) , who had been assistant to the great Helmholtz .
9 To date , the fuselage , rudder and rear wing are complete with the front wing well underway .
10 ( Actually , the Brits are right about the European space effort , but that is not the point . )
11 Mr Clifford , for anyone who has been asleep through the entire summer , is to jilted mistresses what Zimmer frames are to decrepit old ones .
12 Even if Crabb 's next-of-kin had been dissatisfied with the official explanation and had made such a fuss that the government was forced to hold some sort of inquiry the truth would still not have been told .
13 In the case of Japanese enterprise groups many of these hierarchical relationships are arranged through complex subcontracts and the extensive use of quasi-democratic work teams using horizontal relationships to substitute for functional arrangements which more typically are hierarchical in the modernist bureaucracy .
14 To achieve a fine white printing quality , the paper is oxygen bleached , thereby having none of the detrimental effects on the environment which are inherent in the conventional chlorine bleaching process .
15 The generation of 1898 redressed in literature the balance that had been upset in the economic development of Spain : with some exaggeration the rediscovery of the desolate attractions of Castile by poets and essayists , many of whom came from peripheral regions , can be seen as a repentant gesture to the centre , devastated for the greater glory of Spain .
16 Bloodletting is popular among the doctors and apothecaries , but herbal medicine , witchcraft and spells are rampant in the general population .
17 ‘ Schnell , bitte ’ Lefevre 's injunction , on the other hand , would have been unnecessary in the French capital , where one and all drove like madmen .
18 Indeed , it will be interesting to determine whether atk is involved in any human neoplastic diseases that are specific to the B-cell lineage .
19 The colours produced by different atomic sized defects are specific to the particular defect .
20 However , the critical questions are specific to the particular ad , and they are the ones that really matter .
21 1989 : As CD outsells vinyl for the first time , rumours are rife about the impending arrival of a blank , recordable CD .
22 She had more than once been guilty of the unkind opinion that the gaunt , ageing nun had a somewhat masculine cast of countenance .
23 When they turn to the handling charge they must presume that he is not guilty of robbery ; and , if they are quite satisfied that he must have been guilty of the one offence or the other , they are bound to conclude that he was guilty of handling .
24 In other words , the recollection that the Friend had once been guilty of the same fault is a consolation to the Poet , for he now knows how the other must have ‘ bowed ’ under his own , ‘ transgression ’ : They are equal , then — but more , they are united : ‘ Oh , that our night of woe might have remember'd/My deepest sense how hard true sorrow hits . ’
25 If I am right about the masculine character of the women pioneers of agriculture we can see that the fact that the followers of the Phrygian mother-goddess castrated themselves is a nice illustration of Freud 's idea of the ‘ shadow of the object falling on the ego ’ : the ultimate reproach against the new agricultural mother was that she was masculine , and therefore the self-punishment came to fit her crime while confirming the identification with her in the most exact way possible .
26 Real incomes for farmers have not been lower since the second world war , according to the Ministry of Agriculture .
27 Nevertheless , the data suggest that if levels were more accurate they would have been lower in the peptic ulcer group .
28 ( d ) The reverse of the above , so that it is the children who are marooned on the alien planet , the teacher who is the alien offering them passage back to earth providing the children can explain the way of life on earth .
29 One view is that it is the result of government parsimony towards prison staff ; the other is that such staff shortages as occur are due to the arcane system of rigid restrictive practices developed by the Prison Officers ' Association ( POA ) .
30 Without such controls it is not possible to know with certainty whether any changes observed in the product are the results of incompatibility with , or inadequacy of , the package , or are due to the inherent instability of the product .
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