Example sentences of "be [adj] [conj] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whipped Cream are Scandinavian but even the odd accent does n't drag this version far enough from the original to make it an interpretation rather than a facsimile .
2 A further point to note is that the extreme left-hand columns in both table 6.4 and table 6.5 are empty and additionally the extreme right-hand column in table 6.5 is empty ; this is because these ‘ extreme ’ realizations occur only in the inner-city areas .
3 The finish was as accurate as the rest of the Belgians ' efforts had been wayward and suddenly the numerical disadvantage Rangers were working under threatened to be a severe handicap .
4 She feels the union has been ineffectual and even the so-called industrial action four years ago when members refused to set or mark exam papers seemed , quite unjustifiably , to be taking things out on the students .
5 After all , of course , negotiations would be possible and already the French claimed that with an estimated eight to ten thousand dead , Vietminh resistance was weakening .
6 More generally , prices could be sticky and yet the major implication of the flexible-price model developed in chapter 4 could still be true .
7 All this could be different if only the British people were allowed a real stake in the EC .
8 A particularly difficult problem is the passage of fragments down the cystic duct ; provided these fragments pass into the common bile duct endoscopic sphincterotomy successfully manages the situation ( patient VII , XI ) , but if the stone remains in the cystic duct removal can be impossible as even the smallest scope or basket will not dislodge the stone ( patient XII ) .
9 To meet this point I think one must say that Bentham 's view was , in effect , that a right action must not only do more good than harm , but must also be such that neither the particular good it does , nor any other comparable good which might have substituted for it , could have been achieved at less cost in terms of harm done .
10 The riskiness of the investment : investors are assumed to be risk-averse and therefore the required rate of return they require will increase with the perceived riskiness of an investment .
11 For some countries , including Britain and Spain , it seems likely that a softer , more automatic ERM would be better than both the existing ERM and no ERM at all .
12 Some of the South Africans are were last night understood to be unhappy that only the English anthem is to be played , but it was felt better not to cause more controversy in the light of Thursday 's threat by the African National Congress to call a halt to future tours .
13 Cargo forecasts suggest that a growth rate of 11.4 percent for Europe-Far East trade over the next 20 years will be more than double the expected increase across the North Atlantic .
14 This non-equivalence between the optimal tariff and quota is in accord with Hwang and Mai 's ( 1988 ) results that domestic prices will be higher if initially the domestic firms were playing more competitively than Cournot .
15 Experts can be fallible and usually the best practitioners are the people who , with experience , come to appreciate how little they know .
16 The conditions which must be satisfied before effectively the non-resident trustees are deemed to be resident in the United Kingdom are the settlor , or where there is more than one any one of them , is at any relevant time : 1 .
17 Investors should be aware that these securities are irredeemable and therefore the real return in future years is vulnerable if the UK inflation rate rises again .
18 The bag has been far and away the smallest in my lifetime .
19 Imagine for the moment that expectations of inflation are zero and so the relevant Phillips curve for the moment is the one labelled .
20 It is clear from the right hon. Gentleman 's first attempt to amend regulation 72 that the Government 's motive is to save money and administration — the motive is so absolutely blatant that I am amazed that even the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , whose eccentricities are well known , could not deny the obvious — while , at the same time , blocking or restricting back payments of entitlement , even where there has been official error .
21 In this period barriers to trade were high and thus the multinational structure of operationally-independent companies was a necessity .
22 Many of her gentleman clients were foreign and even the odd Arab prince had come to her office .
23 The English artillery was not yet forward , being oxen-drawn and therefore the slowest-moving section of the army .
24 Wheat prices at 13s. 4d. a quarter were more than double the normal ( though not as disastrously high as in the notorious famine years of 1315–17 ) , barley at 6s. -7s. was up by over 50 per cent and peas and beans at 6s. had tripled in cost ( 209 , pp.266–73 .
25 However , the skills required to build such systems were rare and also the required combinations of software and computer hardware were expensive .
26 ‘ There was n't a ha'porth of prejudice in him — except that the Welsh were marvellous and especially the Welsh-speaking Welsh and most particularly those from Pontrhydyfen and most of all the Jenkins family .
27 He 's mean , he 's moody and probably the coolest thing on the screen since James Dean thought , ‘ I wonder what it would look like if I pulled my collar up like this ’ .
28 Whatever the final conclusion to research underway may be , it is ironical that perhaps the best solution to the problem is the increased use of that other much environmentally criticised energy source , nuclear power .
29 It is clear that even the named and identified members of Jesus 's following represent a broad and diverse spectrum .
30 For the more down to earth woodworker it is interesting that often the cordless drill is picked up in preference to the mains powered one for many tasks .
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