Example sentences of "be [adj] [noun] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The new US approach fell short of outright recognition for Bazin 's government , but involved urging exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to meet with Bazin , whereas the earlier US position had been that Aristide should choose his own Prime Minister prior to his return to the country .
2 I am sure Martha will forgive me for saying that her very presence excites envy from others .
3 There must be some people must have them that 's right
4 I 'm afraid compliments will get you nowhere . ’
5 I 'm sure Ma would help you with that , if you 'd like her to .
6 ‘ Oh , I 'm sure God will forgive you that , my son . ’
7 ‘ I 'm sure Belinda can help you with that , ’ the other nurse replied archly .
8 I 'm sure Marcus will love it .
9 I 'm sure Anne could change him if she wanted to , but she seems to like him the way he is .
10 I was looking at it quite a bit cos I 'm sure Liza 'd whip it down .
11 I 'm sure Harvey will tell you .
12 Well , I have , I have , I 'm sure Roger will believe me they 're
13 I 'm sure Richard will escort me
14 Anyway , I 'm sure Fiver must find it as hard as you : he 's just as small . "
15 Well I 'm sure , I 'm sure Microsoft will prove it does n't work by changing something and not telling .
16 ‘ I 'm sure Michele would want you to treat the palazzo as home .
17 I 'm sure pupils will help you whenever you want .
18 My love for Edgar is like the leaves on the trees — I 'm sure time will change it .
19 And all those er independent advisors are members of FIMBRA I 'm sure John will mention it .
20 Erm my advice to you would be that in the past , before the coffee rooms was run by this particular person firm we had very great difficulty with them and I 'm sure John will bear me out on this .
21 I 'm sure Mother will say it 's all right . ’
22 I 'm sure Stephen will find someone very quickly . ’
23 I 'm sure Chant can find you somebody else .
24 I 'm sure Graham would swop his last three wins for this one , ’ added McCann .
25 Now she 's fawning over her mistress again and whatever plans Horatia has , you may be sure Connell will help her .
26 I 'm amazed parents can afford it on top of the fees .
27 I 'm worried people might think I 'm straight .
28 A second or two later , however , Fabia was turning her concentration to her plate , and giving herself something of a silent talking-to — her theme being that Ven would think he was lunching with some deranged lunatic if she went on grinning like that at him all through the meal .
29 If my children were ill Laura would send me home immediately and I was even allowed to smoke in their presence . ’
30 ‘ There are other things could stop us marrying . ’
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