Example sentences of "be [verb] down and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The coffin had been fastened down and lay on trestles , honey-coloured in the slanting light , awaiting its removal .
2 Lim 's sources of information were seen to be much more effective than the Army 's compromised intelligence gathering network , as evidenced by the fact that four of the chief rebel officers captured since the coup attempt had been tracked down and arrested by the police .
3 William Davis , Chairman of the British Tourist Authority , says overseas visitors are still coming but they 're trading down and looking for bargains .
4 What hitherto had been integrated plants in countries like the UK , carrying out complete manufacturing processes , are closed down and rationalized in order to manufacture products more cheaply from parts manufactured by workers divided between a number of countries .
5 The carts had been washed down and polished for the day 's event .
6 But such distortions are , at least partly , social in origin ; the mechanism of superstition as Bacon describes it , involves a tendency to accept those propositions that have been laid down and established through social recognition and approval .
7 These sections will be broken down and explained by the lecturer , and further understood in your reading .
8 The following bar graphs or charts show how the information can be broken down and looked at more closely .
9 The rules of a factory may be written down and serve as strict regulators of behaviour .
10 Such affirmations can be written down and left in places where a person knows he or she will regularly come across them .
11 They also get the tusks and the bristles which they sell or barter in India , and a large proportion of the fat , which can be rendered down and used for cooking , or dried and preserved to smear on cuts and bruises .
12 Even when it was declared to be worth twenty-one shillings in 1717 it was undervalued ; silver coins were exported to India where their value was still high , or to Amsterdam where they could be melted down and exchanged for gold , and Britain moved inadvertently to a gold standard .
13 Ah , but the district council had caused letter boxed to be melted down and fashioned into stainless steel tree holders , at a great deal too much extra cost , and these were positioned at every dog-relief point so the housewives could be held in suspension at any point in the area and time .
14 Most importantly , when a metal artefact is damaged or becomes redundant , the metal can easily be melted down and recycled into another artefact .
15 The fine tree was soon noticed by the king of Byblos , who ordered it to be cut down and made into a column to support the hall roof of his palace .
16 He was a politician and a financier , well-known in his time ; but we remember him today because on the 15th of September 1830 , at the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway , he became the first person to be run down and killed by a train ( that 's what he became , was turned into ) .
17 The disclosure of these plans forced a premature announcement that two plants — Cowley South and Llanelli Pressings — were to be run down and closed in the early 1990s with the loss of about 3,400 jobs .
18 On 19 June 1841 the spire of St Michael 's was struck by lightning so severely that it had to be taken down and rebuilt at a cost of £84 , paid for by the Buxtons .
19 It was agreed that Cell-y-bedd should be taken down and rebuilt in the form of an apse on the foundations found in 1958 .
20 That left two days of filming available before the sets had to be taken down and returned to the owners .
21 ‘ I ought to make it quite clear to you , ma'am , ’ he murmured in the taxi , ‘ that any knickers you may be wearing may well be taken down and used in evidence . ’
22 ‘ At night the corpses are cut down and taken to the great lime pits near Charterhouse . ’
23 The body has been cut down and lies in the gatehouse there .
24 The Special Needs Unit , attached to the College of Further Education , is actually decking their Special Needs Unit out as a rain forest , both before and after , so there 's the rainforest in all its glory , and then the rainforest after it 's been chopped down and destroyed in the next room , so the Special Needs Unit are really enjoying that .
25 In Florence , for example , statues have been taken down and housed in museums with replicas being put in their place .
26 Their expectations are high because many of them have , until recently , had a middle-class life and outlook ( ie. the East African Asians ) and because , unlike the British working class , they have not been ground down and prepared for their jobs by the British education system .
27 All the medieval buildings were torn down and replaced by stone built ones , with red pantiled roofs .
28 Soon the hated secret police were being hunted down and shot in the streets .
29 others of the 105 Squadron Blenheims were less fortunate — Z7486 ( Sgts Mackillop , Nethercott and Entwistle ) were shot down and crashed into a factory ; Z7486 ( F/O Lambert , Sgts Copeland and Charles ) was hit by flak and last seen in flames heading further inland ; V7484 ( Sgts Jackson , Williams and Purves ) was also hit by flak but made it back to Swanton for a belly-landing .
30 Close by are four more being washed down and wrapped for burial .
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