Example sentences of "be [verb] up [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Grandma used to say they were like chalk and cheese , and that they should have been shaken up together in a bag to get more of a mixture .
2 And this weakened commitment may in turn be a by-product of the intensity of the subject commitments that have been built up elsewhere in the school curriculum .
3 Nevertheless , applications in many organisations have been built up piecemeal in an unorganised , often chaotic way .
4 That 's the real reason ye 're holed up here in the mountains … ’
5 Specialist journals of the ‘ have to have ’ variety , needed by all good universities , are holding up well in an unsympathetic environment , but journals publishers generally are having to market harder to maintain subscriptions .
6 I am brought up sharp in a busy street ,
7 Sam said , ‘ Morning , ’ but Camille glanced at him haughtily and looked away : she considered that she had no time for the working classes , although her mother 's best friend had been brought up here in the olden days before the supermarkets and the middle class had come to compete for space .
8 These had been brought up sharp in a mathematically exact line by one of those old-fashioned razors that the previous generation had employed for more antisocial purposes .
9 Critical discourse might have been given more space , especially in the context of the brief discussion of " canon " , but it is well handled in the earlier volume by Durant and Fabb , so can be picked up again in a course which focuses more clearly on literary texts using that book .
10 ‘ I 'm going up there in the daytime , ’ the Captain said .
11 She then went into the kitchen and wrote a letter to her mother , which she would have ready for poor Monica Waters , who would certainly be turning up here in the next day or two .
12 The Pre-Retirement Association ( address on page 155 ) runs day or weekend courses for the employees of large companies ; and as the PRA has a countrywide network of speakers , these can be set up anywhere in the UK in response to demand .
13 Trotsky 's analysis of the bureaucracy in the Soviet Union will be taken up again in the following chapter when the issue of the ‘ new class , is considered .
14 But from what he 'd heard it all broke down every year and had to be started up again in the spring , and — ‘ I do n't know , ’ he said .
15 The H3 building had been put up hastily in the early 1950s to get the scientists out of their first accommodation that had been little more than Nissen huts .
16 These points are taken up again in the second chapter of Kingman , where it is argued that language ‘ expresses identity , enables co-operation , and confers freedom ’ , and that an understanding of language is vital to children 's intellectual , social , personal and aesthetic development .
17 Le Bon seemed to have in mind here a church congregation , as in the remarks about people being lifted up ethically in a crowd .
18 Alice , who had several times caught Tom looking admiringly at her while they were coming up there in the tube , and could not forget the way he had held out his hand to her while they sang the duet , wondered if having the room next to his was a good idea .
19 Cordons , already tight around scores of Ulster towns and cities , were stepped up overnight in a bid to prevent any headline grabbing bombing .
20 Many intellectual strands of the Carolingian Renaissance , subsequently dropped , were taken up again in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
21 Wreaths and flowers were piled up outside in the yard , waiting to be heaped on the coffin .
22 As a little boy , Adam had sometimes been sent up here in the morning to fetch the letters and the paper , carrying with him a wicker bottle-basket for the milk .
23 Advertising revenue is holding up well in the Down Recorder says managing director Colin Crichton .
24 Sentence ( 10 ) tells us of a " weakness " of the " heart " , but not until ( 11 ) , where this matter is taken up again in the expression " the poor child was not robust " , do we learn that it provided a reason for the present interview : it was for this reason ( we surmise ) that the Moreens wished to engage a resident tutor .
25 And ol' Powell is sitting up there in a wooden chair strapped down to the deck , yelling instructions and waving with his one arm . ’
26 A splendid noisy scene was building up nicely in the breakfast room .
27 Virginia pushed agitated hands through her hair , forgetting it was caught up neatly in a high top-knot .
28 The word ‘ rescue ’ was looming up somewhere in the sentence ahead .
29 The attitude of many Romanian health professionals was summed up recently in the words of one doctor in Constanta who said ‘ Health Education is the only ‘ vaccine ’ we have to fight against HIV . ’
30 Because I have it , whether it 's anything to do with my aristocratic ancestors or the fact that I was brought up properly in the old-fashioned way to respect integrity and honesty and decency .
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