Example sentences of "be [verb] up [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Railway enthusiasts are queueing up for a nostalgic trip on a steam train .
2 The staff and students are quickly getting to know each other and are shaping up into a hardworking and enthusiastic team .
3 Tonight was just the culmination of what 's been building up for a long time . ’
4 The two of them had been at daggers drawn ever since 1183 , and in recent months , as incident followed incident , tension had been building up to a new peak .
5 ‘ It was heat-of-the-moment stuff but it 's been building up over a little while .
6 The procession had been broken up by a large number of black youths from Lewisham , Deptford and Brixton , waving Ethiopian flags .
7 Brown , a former member of hit teen band New Edition , fears he has been caught up in a long-running feud between his former band 's road crew and one of America 's top street gangs .
8 Positivists , of all varieties , have consequently been caught up in an endless quest for a universal , objective but non-legal concept of ‘ crime ’ .
9 It may be that you have been taking them for so long that you are caught up in a chemical spiral and can not now function without them .
10 The two are caught up in a desperate race to save their women — knowing that the rescue of one means the destruction of the other .
11 Women in Hinduism are caught up in a paradoxical view of the female , where the divine can be feminine , yet women are profoundly mistrusted .
12 ‘ The plain fact is , ’ Niki noted , ‘ that I am caught up in an insane series of setbacks which are oppressive in their consistency and which seem to … prey on my mind .
13 The traditional multilateral institutions , IMF and World Bank , are gearing up for a major contribution .
14 Now the Japanese are gearing up for a third try .
15 However , my corresponding Ego fantasy is of losing my wits to such an extent that I am unable to work ; I am living in a filthy bedsit and the floor is strewn with pieces of paper that I am unable to make sense of , final demands which have not been paid , dirty clothes , plants which have fallen over , unwashed plates and mugs — and I am curled up in a foetal ball , wishing the world would go away !
16 But this information is also readily available if the ferret is fitted with a transmitting device within its collar and the signals from this are picked up on a hand-held receiver .
17 In The Lost Ship , for instance , a couple of merchant navy apprentices , overboard by accident from a tanker , are picked up by a sinister couple planning to snatch gold from a wreck on a Caribbean island , and in Horseshoe Reef a similar young couple is rescued from shipwreck by a strange , isolated family with criminal intentions .
18 They are mopping up in a southerly direction .
19 The latter had now been built up to a reasonable size with the main mill , a dye house , out buildings , stove , stables , press shop and store houses , as well as the grist mill .
20 Now employing two people , this is the only one-stop bike shop in the area and has been built up into a thriving business as people have become more aware of the need for a healthy lifestyle .
21 The reputation of this division has been built up by a dedicated management team , many of which have been involved in contractual cleaning operations as well as in-house posts .
22 ‘ We are fed up with a distant bureaucracy telling us what to do with our bikes .
23 ‘ A lot of people are fed up with a whole range of changes which appear to have no philosophical direction to them , ’ he said .
24 There is a good programme of daily activities in the Home , and all these are written up on a large board in Peter 's office .
25 The way in which these circuits are built up in a structured way out of interacting modules and submodules corresponds well to the use of nested parallel constructs in occam .
26 Thus the expenditure needs are built up from a whole series of estimates , referring to the many components of Local Government expenditure .
27 Some programmes are made up of a straight interview , but your spokesman , may not actually be in the same studio as the interviewer .
28 Most hunts are made up of a complete cross-section of society , the only qualification being an ability to ride .
29 Pigs are our chief prey item — half the meat in the human diet , worldwide , is pork , That has to mean that those of us who are n't Jews , Moslems or vegetarians are made up of a large proportion of protein that arrived by way of the animal we most like to sneer at — not to mention mistreat , in the most abominable ways .
30 But remember that they 're tucked up in a nice warm greenhouse and it can be pretty chilly outside .
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