Example sentences of "be [verb] up [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 Business has been built up steadily over the last 12 years in Germany , Denmark , Spain , France , Eire and Greece , and more recently in Eastern Europe , the Czech Republic and Slovakia .
2 They 're growing up all over the place and as you say , Ernie he he he did say about education but whose gon na run education in the future same as social services , you 'll soon find they 'll social services up into the health service .
3 Slack planning laws mean hotels are growing up all over the place , said Nick — who quickly threw out his own idea that the West has all the answers to the problems .
4 It is expected to be used up gradually over the relevant period — 15 or 18 years in this case — so as to be exhausted by the end of the period .
5 After that for six days little smoke columns seemed to be sprouting up all over the forest , now here , now there , but only for an hour or two .
6 Since no self-respecting modern cookbook leaves herbs out of its recipes , since courses in herbal medicine are springing up all over the place , and since cosmetics which rely on plants are taking the place of the synthetic beauty treatments what , one might ask , is a herb ?
7 Purple and yellow crocuses were popping up all over the lawn , the hard winter outlines of shrubs and trees were blurred by new growth like the fuzz on an adolescent 's upper lip , even the rows of savagely pruned rosebushes at the front of the house , separated by concrete walkways like a cemetery of spider crabs buried upside-down , were shoving out shoots and buds .
8 The Interflora boom and Smiths devotees were sprouting up all over the place with their obnoxious shirts and silly haircuts .
9 Although Wilhelm 's army was no match for the total power of the Waaagh , Grom 's forces were split up all over the Empire into many small armies .
10 Reform circles were springing up all over the country , calling for Mr Grosz 's dismissal .
11 It 's one of hundreds being put up all over the country and residents say it was put there without planning permission or consultation .
12 With a £250,000 advance under his belt , Mr Seth has created a best-seller and with rights being snapped up all over the world he is well on his way to becoming a millionaire .
13 So I go back and I 'm standing in the doorway , and there 's this kid on the bed and he 's thrown up all over the cover and now he 's starting to shake .
14 The Darling Buds Of May returned and suddenly Miss Zeta Jones was popping up all over the place .
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