Example sentences of "be [verb] that [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It has been argued that they derived their name from that of Kenchester , which is identified as the Magnis of both the Antonine Itinerary and the Ravenna list , suggesting some tradition of local continuity , but there remain serious problems with this suggested derivation .
2 You 're suggesting that I damaged your car deliberately .
3 I do not consider that it has been shown that she exercised her discretion inappropriately or wrongly .
4 so she said while you 've been doing that she said she 's been sort of gassing to anybody you know , so she said it 's been mentioned by management and they said oh well she 'll be able to sort of hovering while she stood there you know , time , time to natter she could be erm , got time to do that .
5 Gazza reacted angrily as he explained : ‘ I 've just been told that English journalists are saying that I threw my bib down because Zoff said I was out of the side .
6 Several times he almost stopped himself , but it felt so good to be unburdened that he let his tongue defy his better judgement .
7 It could be argued that he saw it as something of a homecoming : Neil had attended Yeovil Grammar School for a time when his father 's work took the family there .
8 It might be thought that she understood what she was doing , and there was no permanent harm ( cf. boxing where there may be ) .
9 She loved Piers , and it just was n't good enough to be told that he needed her or that he wanted her .
10 I was n't completely heart-free during those years ; sometimes I allowed myself to be fooled that I loved someone , but when it came to the point of saying " yes " to anything final there was always the small honest inner voice which jeered " For life ?
11 But I 'd also become disenchanted with pro-lifers who seemed to be saying that they loved my unborn baby but hated me !
12 And while her heart swelled — could he be saying that he thought she was lovely ? — a few seconds later he was steering the Mercedes around a bend and was then at once driving to the other side of the road where a kind of lay-by had been cut into a high mass of rock .
13 In Berlin , Bismarck let it be known that he saw nothing wrong with the proposed solution , though he backed away from too openly supporting it in the face of a general outcry from the other European courts .
14 However , it appears that the singer wishes it to be known that he did something his way . ’
15 I suppose I should be flattered that you gave me an ‘ A ’ — though I 'd be better pleased if you thought enough of me to send my flowers in person , instead of by remote control .
16 In the past , because children have been able to chant numbers in order ( 1 , 2 , 3 … ) , it has sometimes been assumed that they understood them and so were ready for sums .
17 Right , he probably does think that , but is n't it interesting er does n't this illustrate the point we 've been making that he felt he needed to have a play that , strung that historical cord as it were .
18 Once again the movies were proving that they had their own version of what was real .
19 I was surprised by the number of people who were saying that they disliked him , and by the degree of bitterness and the spiteful determination that he had to go .
20 I 'll start as soon as I can , ’ she promised suddenly , knowing as the words were spoken that they sealed her decision once and for all .
21 ‘ My father 's old housekeeper — he and she grew old together — has a daughter who needs to make money ; , she lives in Nile Street , and if you were to say that I sent you , she might well be glad to put you up till it is time for you to go to Oxford . ’
22 ‘ It was only when a few of the details were released that I realised it was me .
23 I made inquiries about the press conference and I am assured that it had nothing to do with this matter .
24 ‘ Martin , ’ she said gently , ‘ it has n't been confirmed that he killed himself . ’
25 But that Moorish Negress was so skilful in drawing the Turkish bow , that it was held for a marvel , and it is said that they called her in Arabic Nugueymat Turya , which is to say , the Star of the Archers .
26 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
27 An example of the first might be Mrs Thatcher , insofar as it is said that she dominated her Cabinets .
28 Willis was blamed for costly delays that plagued filming throughout , and it 's said that he antagonized his co-stars by constantly ad-libbing during takes , leaving the other actors speechless .
29 It is alleged that she placed her hand over the baby 's mouth , compressed her nose and tried to murder her .
30 On the evidence of his poems , however , it is believed that he spent his childhood in Kent .
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