Example sentences of "be [verb] in [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , these are limited in number and apply to only a small proportion of all Forestry Commission lands ( Hall 1974 ) .
2 A regimen combining etoposide , adriamycin , and cisplatinum ‘ EAP ’ has been developed in Germany and applied to 145 patients with locally advanced disease .
3 Development has been located in areas that name the most effective use of bus and rail networks .
4 Grants in respect of capital expenditure incurred after 31st March 1991 are included in creditors and released to the profit and loss account in equal instalments over the expected useful lives of the related assets .
5 The simple molecules from which the DNA is mainly built are of only four kinds , but they are grouped in trios and arranged in a particular and significant order on the immensely long DNA molecule .
6 Each plant had been rolled in paper and wetted before being sealed in the bag .
7 Each day 's performances began with a sacrifice and libations ; the priest of Dionysus sat in the centre front of the audience ; the image of the god , normally kept in the temple adjacent to the theatre , had been carried in procession and placed in the theatre ; in the centre of the orchestra was an altar .
8 This is the first time that such a show has been organised in Bavaria and reflects the interest of its creator , Prinz Georg von Hohenzollern , who is Generaldirektor of the Bavarian Staatliche Gemäldesammlungen and of the same family as Frederick the Great .
9 Jez San finds that games consoles are shrinking in size but expanding in range and addictiveness potential ..
10 On the other hand , if a question is asked exactly as it appears here and you give an answer which has clearly been prepared in advance and learned off by heart you will not be very convincing .
11 This has already been done in health and appears to be markedly reducing the take-up of services .
12 Moreover , in a real MOSFET the Landau levels are not sharp spikes but are broadened in energy and have overlapping ‘ tails ( c ) .
13 The cars are built in Cowley and sell at up to fifteen thousand pounds each .
14 It is only when this distinction has been made in terms that comply with the workings of narrative that the linguistic analogy is introduced : the functions , Barthes suggests , are based on metonymic relations , the indices on metaphoric relations .
15 The throne is thought to have been made in Constantinople and given by Justinian to his viceroy Maximian .
16 Had you been living in Oxford and asking the same question I think well then it 's erm you know , it 's obviously a very valid question .
17 The movements and dials are made in brass and come with a range of extras .
18 The second group are those which are made in workshops but employ authentic ( or authentic-looking ) tribal guls .
19 They 're mowed in summer and grazed afterwards and wild flowers including orchids come up and it is unique
20 They are sold in packets or dressed in oil in jars , and are available from delicatessens and health food shops .
21 There are also various derivative usages , in which deictic expressions are used in ways that shift this deictic centre to other participants , or indeed to protagonists in narratives — Lyons ( 1977a : 579 ) calls this deictic projection , Fillmore ( 1975 ) shifts in points of view .
22 It is understood the goods are bought in Europe and brought to Northern Ireland in articulated lorries .
23 Alternatively he may consider that the transaction has only been agreed in outline and requires the lawyer to negotiate the details .
24 Worshippers arrived at the temple in Ealing , west London , to find the doors had been soaked in petrol and set on fire .
25 Since it has been shown in rats that decreased somatostatin concentrations in the antral mucosa may be involved in the development of hypergastrinaemia during potent acid inhibition , we have studied whether administration of the long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201–995 ( Sandostatin , octreotide ) can prevent omeprazole induced hypergastrinaemia in man .
26 Farmland birds are declining in numbers and contracting their range because of modern farming techniques , according to the British Trust for Ornithology .
27 The Chelsea Gardener is perhaps the most sophisticated and design-conscious garden centre in town , where all the plants have been displayed in locations that suit their growing needs .
28 Her heart cramped now as she thought of her husband 's folly in plumping for the easy money , as it had seemed , after three bad harvests — his airy promise to come home soon — his failure to return after his regiment had been disbanded in Madras and left to make its own way back round half the world .
29 Transient hypochlorrhydria because of H pylori in acutely infected subjects has been noted in studies that included healthy volunteers .
30 Those who remain are employed in maintenance and repair work .
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