Example sentences of "be [verb] and he [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The British Minister for Sport , Hector Monro , pointed out that the Gleneagles agreement was irrelevant here as it made no reference to actions by one country against the nationals of another , but on 26 February the British High Commissioner in Georgetown was notified that Jackman 's visitor 's permit had been withdrawn and he must leave the country .
2 But that has now been resolved and he will continue in the position for at least another year .
3 However , if the pilot is thinking ahead , that option could have already been considered and he could have had the plan ready for use if more height was lost .
4 ‘ By about round four , I expect the height and weight advantage to be neutralised and he 'll start running the numbers on Bowe . ’
5 The window will be boarded and he 'll lock the door .
6 ‘ The situation is now that if he works hard and shows the right attitude and I think it is right , then last week will be forgotten and he will go in the side . ’
7 As there was always the chance that the swimmer 's faint light might be missed and he might go beyond the canoe , in the next phase ( two ) he turned and shone his torch shorewards .
8 So you used to take these five sums out to be marked and he 'd put right , tick , right , wrong , right , you know .
9 Evenings at the pub or the bar will have to be abandoned and he will stay at home , opening bottles for others to drink .
10 But the chemists must also be aware of the limitations of the precision with which certain concepts can be defined and he must understand how they arise ’ .
11 Was it possible that Charles ' previous luck could be repeated and he 'd find the door to the utility room open ?
12 ‘ A man has been charged and he will appear at the City of London Magistrates Court on Monday . ’
13 Her lips were parted and he could feel her heartbeat against his chest .
14 He was not actually hungry , and it was rare for him to drink , but they were paying and he would make sure they noticed , and — apart from the singer — the Khan Murjan was a hell of a fabulous place .
15 When the US President , Eisenhower , visited Madrid on 21 December 1959 , Franco persisted in interpreting it as a sign of recognition of his rightness , not as an indication that times were changing and he would have to move with them or be left behind .
16 If they correspond , then all is well , his concept of the situation is confirmed and he can progress to the next step in the context of his objectives .
17 However the supervisor will point out that things have changed since that was produced and he will have his own view of the essentials of the task .
18 The tide was turning and he could see debris drifting downstream in the yellow afternoon light towards the River Gate , a mere hundred yards downstream .
19 At that point in his life , he would sit at the door of a club when he was playing and he would glare at the people who came in .
20 An inspector would go in to inspect the the tank before it was tested and he would back come out and say , you know , there 's so many rivets missing in there .
21 The mist was clearing and he could see the sea .
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