Example sentences of "be [verb] at [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is very popular with the Milanese , and the seats around it are filled at most times of the day .
2 Cropmarks and pottery scatters of the prehistoric and Romano-British settlements contemporary with these early land divisions have been located at several points within the later village complex at Wharram Percy : each appears to represent a farmstead site .
3 On the building maintenance side , it has been looked at several times in the past .
4 Borough council officers are looking at several ways of helping disabled motorists to shop in the town once High Row and Skinnergate become off bounds to them on March 29 .
5 We are waiting at both ends like a pair of bookends and I get impatient and ask , ‘ Who is this ? ’
6 Youngsters should not construct mains powered projects unless they are supervised at all times by a suitably experienced adult .
7 Those who make decisions which affect the use of manpower are found at all levels in the service .
8 They are found at both ends of the world ( Syroechkovskiy , 1959 ) , being especially prominent at penguin breeding colonies in coastal Antarctica .
9 Lenses of Pb-Zn sulphides with up to 10 per cent Pb +&plus Zn have been found at several localities in the Dalradian , and other areas of barium-enriched sediments also occur ( Coats and others , 1984a ) .
10 The most effective method is that of asking all members of a sample of households to keep diaries , noting what they are doing at all times of the day .
11 Between childcare and now ‘ granny care ’ ( with the introduction of the Griffith Report 's recommendations ) women will be caught at both ends in terms of attempting to find employment .
12 planning is more difficult because it must be organised at more levels in the organisation .
13 It is the stuff of dreams and memories and heady ways on the rock : all the more valuable in that it can be enjoyed at all levels of difficulty .
14 Its proposals are workable and provide a framework for services which can be applied at all levels from the government at the top right down to the professional worker in direct contact with the recipient of services .
15 that distinction must be made at all times between persons taking part in the hostilities and members of the civilian population to the effect that the latter be spared as much as possible ;
16 Some believe that we should be looking at all ages to fulfilling activity which is not wholly employment based , but make more constructive use of leisure .
17 ‘ I 'll be looking at all sorts of music , from liturgical chants to Fiddler on the Roof stuff and Hassidic Rock . ’
18 In the next few weeks , I shall be looking at all aspects of the computer world .
19 In the ensuing chapters I will be looking at these processes in more detail .
20 The timber bracing was built into stone and rubble walls as well , as can be seen at many points round the Knossos Labyrinth , so it seems likely that earthquake-resistance was the likely purpose .
21 The P. pictus were very active and could be seen at all times of the day , the Bumble Bees were a lot more secretive and only ventured out to grab some quick grub and late at night .
22 They should be prevented at all costs from making records .
23 They should be prevented at all costs from making records .
24 The Hindus asserted that the same rhythm must of necessity be mirrored at all stages of creation and in all domains .
25 ICI , evidently , was not just a lacklustre chemicals conglomerate , but an industrial symbol , to be preserved at all costs as evidence of Britain 's continuing economic virility .
26 You can elaborate the scheme so that the electricity can be produced when the water is both flowing in and flowing out , and you can have extra divisions to ensure that electricity can be produced at all hours of the day or night , regardless of the condition of the tide .
27 According to Andrew Boorde , the author of the first English book of domestic medicine ( his Dyetary ) lettuce was to be avoided at all costs by anyone who valued his or her sex life .
28 Consequently , as most lecturers will be assessed at both extremes of a general rating scale , any lecturer will do well if he pleases half the audience .
29 Tearing out a sheet from his notebook , de Castelnau scribbled down his historic order that Verdun must be defended at all costs on the Right Bank , and handed it to Pétain .
30 Such visions can be utilised at all levels within an organisation and are not the sole prerogative of those at the top .
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