Example sentences of "be [verb] that [pers pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Fat women risk so much more than thin women when starting a sexual relationship , because we are taught that we are not capable of inspiring love or lust : we have forfeited the right to be sexual because our bodies are incompatible with desire .
2 A man stays in line because he has been taught that it is wrong not to .
3 Should a warning have been included that they were not suitable for indoor use ?
4 It had just been decided that it was not possible that the coffin in a horizontal position could be manoeuvred around the many angles of doors and walls between there and the front door .
5 Rather than seeing the electorate as independent and politically minded , it has been argued that they were easily susceptible to manipulation from above , and that they tended to defer to the wishes of their social superiors .
6 We 're told that it is not a commercial fish to breed in large numbers and that it is species more suited for the specialist or advanced hobbyist .
7 We 're told that he 's not falling behind or there 's no real problem with it .
8 Yes of course maybe play acting when they 're doing that they 're more conscious of the way they 're speaking and they probably want to make it right with what they think it should be .
9 By this time next month we 're just about at the solstice we 're find that it 's not getting light until about seven o'clock in the morning and it 's getting dark again by about half past three .
10 You 're saying that I 'm pretty hopeless at everything , but somebody might , just might , be prepared to put up with my teaching . ’
11 ‘ You 're saying that you are n't involved with Harry Martin ? ’
12 And I am told that it is not advisable to use the same batch of acid for etching copper as has been used for etching zinc because the deposits of two metals in the acid creates erm an unpleasant , noxious , possibly poisonous gas and I do n't know what that would do .
13 They had enquired if he was at the pottery and been told that he was not .
14 I have n't been referred to a rheumatologist , as I 've been told that I 'm very young and prone to worrying too much about becoming disabled .
15 Since Rita has been sent to Coventry , she has not been told that it is physically possible for her to open up the incubator herself and put her hands in .
16 And she stared at it , glad to have been told that it was not good , for she could make nothing of it : it stood about five feet high , on a stone lump , and it had holes in it and stretching arms .
17 The Queen has been told that she is not to summon anybody to form a Government until she has heard who the new Leader is .
18 The advantages of gamma scintigraphy are offset by the fact that patients are required to be static during imaging , whereas it has been shown that it is more reliable to monitor reflux in ambulant patients than patients restricted within a hospital routine .
19 Scholars of Confucianism are agreed that it is not so much a religion as a guide to a system of political organisation , and as time went on , it too fell victim to divisions and disputes .
20 Books and other references sources can be extremely useful and I 've found the staff at most libraries very helpful … that is , once they 've been persuaded that they are not dealing with an imaginative miscreant !
21 Now , it is in the nature of the critique of this aspect of classical Marxism which has already been proposed that it is not possible to erect an alternative ‘ general theory ’ .
22 And somebody knew about that telephone call , and met Kemp at the railway station , doubtless informing the taxi-driver who had been hired that he was no longer required . ’
23 And they 're saying They are saying that we 're only ones they get pallets like that from .
24 Some of these children are saying that they are not black or that they do not want to be associated with other black people .
25 ‘ You are saying that you were again relegated to second place , my lord ? ’
26 Fergie has been saying that he was so concerned about my life-style away from football he called in Sir Matt Busby , the club doctor and even a parish priest to try to get me sorted out .
27 ‘ I 'm insulted that he 's even talking about me on the tape — and I 'm sure the other players he 's mentioned feel the same .
28 If lifetime employment and seniority wages are seen as key distinguishing characteristics of the Japanese labour market then it has to be recognized that they are far from universal features .
29 If speechreading is being considered for someone who is very elderly , it should be recognized that it is only one of many factors .
30 It 's obviously far too early to be starting to think about Canadian prospects but , at the same time , it has to be realised that we are now probably little more than three years away from the '95 opening ceremonies , assuming a Southern Hemisphere location .
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