Example sentences of "be [verb] that [pron] were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Canals may have performed a general price-lowering function in , to use Professor Mathias 's phrase , " cracking open " local monopolies , but it should not be forgotten that they were in themselves mono-polies , even though canal companies hardly ever operated carrier services and confined themselves to earning from tolls .
2 Governments had to be persuaded that they were in a position to run their eyes down a list of options so as to gauge the inflationary consequences of a particular package of demand management policies .
3 Was there any feeling when these letters were received that they were to be taken seriously or they were in fact a bluff ?
4 During the first few tens of Ma Jupiter would cool so quickly that it hardly matters what the initial temperatures were provided that they were at least a few times 10 000 K. After a few hundred Ma , the exact time depending on the initial temperatures but in any case a small fraction of Jupiter 's lifetime , the rate of cooling would be far less .
5 TWO children were strangled only 10 days after police were warned that they were in danger , it was claimed yesterday .
6 Ministers believed the same , asserting as had been asserted when they were created that they were in some way different from the universities .
7 ‘ We are informed that you were at a lecture , on the thirteenth of last month . ’
8 Upon closer examination , however , it was revealed that there were at least three ways in which such a conclusion would be misleading .
9 It was believed that they were to stage yet another demonstration at the Party conference , this time during tomorrow 's crucially important debate on immigration .
10 Two were unaccounted for eventually , and it was presumed that they were on loan .
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