Example sentences of "be [verb] that [pron] [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 She 'd been taught that it paid to be passive .
2 Looking simplistically at her behaviour at home it might have been assumed that she conformed to a typical stereotype of an AD sufferer .
3 We were told that she set to work ‘ editing ’ the crazed philosopher 's work to make it more Nazi , and that Elisabeth had a strong and malign influence on the growth of National Socialism .
4 Presumably , since it is said that she lived to 127 , her sixties would be equivalent to our thirties or forties .
5 Aunt Emily said , ‘ If you read it , dear child , it will take away your fear , ’ and Alexandra , stubbornly remembering Michael Swinton 's saying that she seemed to be working out her own salvation and feeling that the decision to read the journal must be part of that working out , shook her head and sent her needle stabbing in and out of the canvas .
6 It is believed that they migrated to central Italy from Asia Minor or possibly further east in the eighth century B.C. ; remaining dominant and independent until the third century B.C. after which they were gradually Latinised under Roman rule .
7 Indeed , it has been suggested that they contributed to it .
8 It has been suggested that he belonged to the Bozon family of Norfolk , and that he may had studied at Oxford .
9 It was said that he travelled to Europe and established the Merovingian dynasty of kings which ruled France until displaced in 679 AD , by which time the dynasty had become enfeebled .
10 It was agreed that there needed to be substantial funding restored to both the Housing Executive and health service budget to improve the services they provide and to combat the ever increasing problems which are besetting our community .
11 R.B. Yes , another teacher mentioned this when I talked to her and I was saying that it seemed to me that it was a blind spot .
12 Yeah well changes platforms of all these trains , anyway after a bit we decided that the Redditch train was going to come in before the train , so , er they did n't change it to say it was n't going to Redditch cos once when I was doing that they said to me , the lad was it , because it 's not to ready to change that time , you would n't matter , cos oh there 's people here waiting to go to Redditch , change it , so he said oh anyway it came , the twelve six came all the young folks going to you should of seen the number that had got off
13 The police initially reported that he had a knowledge of surgery and , due to a message scrawled on a wall over one of the victims , it was suggested that he belonged to a secret organization , the Freemasons .
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