Example sentences of "be [verb] for [adj] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Their goodness has helped to make up the huge amount of goodness which has been accumulating for thousands of years and which we call the Created God . ’
2 By contrast , alcohol has been enjoyed for thousands of years and in moderate quantities is harmless .
3 But that has been happening for hundreds of years .
4 But that has been happening for hundreds of years .
5 It 's been happening for hundreds of years .
6 He 'd been looking for that for ages .
7 The rheidity of ice is a few weeks , that of salt about a year , but igneous rocks will only exhibit rheid flow after a stress has been applied for hundreds of years , in the case of deeply buried rocks subject to elevated temperatures , or tens of thousands of years for rocks at the surface .
8 Gateways were opening up here in Salt Lake , and things would be coming through the like of which had not been seen for thousands of years .
9 ‘ Primary ’ rainforest is an area that has n't been disturbed for hundreds of years and has reached a state of mature complexity ; it is also known as virgin forest .
10 Standards will not rise until changes are made for five to 14-year-olds , warns the National Association of Head Teachers and the Secondary Heads Association .
11 It looks like the Army and Navy have been going for hundreds of years , Army and Navy Stores
12 Smoking is a very ancient art that has been used for hundreds of years to preserve fish and meat , preferred to salting because it does not destroy the natural flavour of the food to the same extent .
13 Additives have been used for hundreds of years , though they were not always known as ‘ additives ’ .
14 They have been used for thousands of years , one of the earliest references to salt being in the Old Testament when Lot 's wife was turned to salt in the desert .
15 ABOVE Trephination — the removal of part of the skull — has been used for thousands of years across the world .
16 The case ‘ will determine whether a seventh of British waterways … ( among the navigable rivers ) … will remain open … access to rivers that have been used for thousands of years could become open to challenge ’ .
17 ‘ I do not wish to be hard upon poor people in great affliction ; but I can not help thinking that they have been doing for hundreds of years past something very like what the Bible calls ‘ tempting God' ’ — staking their property and their lives upon the chances or no earthquakes coming , while they ought to have known that an earthquake might come an day . ’
18 He really did n't think the Revolution was anything more than a few peasants kicking up a fuss , like they had been doing for hundreds of years .
19 Now we 've been asking for this for years .
20 Yet mystics have been saying for thousands of years that we are all aspects of a greater whole — that our separateness is an illusion , that we are ultimately One .
21 The fact that seeds could be carried for hundreds of miles by strong winds allowed the supporters of dispersal to explain any case of anomalous distribution by invoking such an accidental circumstance .
22 The finest material may be carried for tens of kilometres down-wind , and some of it may even stay suspended for many months , eventually falling back to earth on the other side of the globe .
23 In some places the books had not been touched for hundreds of years and could hardly be seen for dust .
24 It has n't been touched for hundreds of years .
25 The existence of a fundamental ‘ life energy ’ has been postulated for thousands of years in many different civilizations , and crops up independently from sources which had little contact with each other .
26 ‘ There it is — the bush — trees that have been standing for hundreds of years . ’
27 This should prevent incidents where trailers are blown for hundreds of yards and wrecked .
28 First Division is reserved for such as apostles , at the rate of two or three per month .
29 It 's existed for thousands of years ! ’
30 Modern treatment for infertility utilizes this concept , something that the Jewish people have been practising for thousands of years .
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