Example sentences of "be [verb] have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Gothic , a more formidable opponent , might have been expected to have had a greater impact on the depiction of fictional living space .
2 Police who searched the house of Baland in Blois after his arrest are reported to have found a wide range of forgeries including four Chagall drawings , four works by Dérain , ten by Dufy , two by Jean Cocteau , a Camille Pissarro and eighteen drawings described as being by ‘ Maîtres de l'école de Pont-Aven ’ .
3 Two of them — Iris Murdoch and William Golding — are said to have composed a good deal of fiction before succeeding at last with a publisher ; succeeding , as Golding once remarked , not because he had tried to please but because for once he stopped trying and wrote the book he had always wanted to write .
4 Newspapers in North America suffered in the recession , but paid-for regional papers in the UK are said to have had a good year .
5 In England , the restrictive social and occupational background from which almost all senior judges have been drawn has provided a fertile medium in which an alternative and extremely powerful indigenous judicial culture has been able to develop .
6 No patient in this group could be considered to have had a successful and uneventful procedure .
7 Adding two hours to the period within which night visits may be claimed has caused a clear rise in claims , and this accounts for most , but not all , of the increase observed since the 1990 contract .
8 The one idea that can be said to have made a firm impression from the psychoanalytic approach to dreaming is that these experiences come from within the mind , rather than from outside ( although in the case of Jung 's psychology even this is not clear ) .
9 Where there is a slight risk in the event of a swing , a pilot may be said to have made a simple error of judgement or taken an unnecessary risk .
10 Putting it crudely , a core of knowledge , such that if a student knew certain facts , he could be said to have reached a certain standard .
11 The Smiths could be said to have done a final demolition job on punk rock '76 style .
12 So it was that when the Hundred Years War began , although both the French and the English kingdoms had particular naval objectives which they needed to further for military reasons , neither could be said to have possessed a proper navy .
13 Her work in the refectory of New Hall was brought before the formation of the collection , as a result of her residency at the college and it could be said to have struck a characteristic note of stringent inquiry for the collection .
14 This was true of 6.5 per cent of defendants appearing in the Crown Court and 12.2 per cent who were proceeded against in the magistrates ' courts in 1999 , all of whom could be said to have suffered a double injustice .
15 Treitel ( 8th ed. ) , p. 87 says of Ward v. Byham : ‘ One basis of the decision is that the mother had provided consideration by showing that she had made the child happy , etc. : in this way she can be said to have conferred a factual benefit on the father , even though she may not have suffered any detriment . ’
16 The parameters of the religious issue might have been changed somewhat by the grudging toleration granted to Protestant Nonconformists in 1689 , but the religious settlement can scarcely be said to have provided a satisfactory solution to the issue of Dissent which had been such a source of tension in Restoration society .
17 Within the culture as a whole these popular activities can be said to have established a limited , unresolved but not entirely unsatisfactory position .
18 Other economic unions , some short-lived and some longer-lived , in Africa , Asia and the Americas , have had a modicum of influence locally , but none can be said to have had a major influence in global terms .
19 However , of Truman , Eisenhower , Kennedy , Nixon , Ford and Carter , none could be said to have had a decisive impact on the direction of domestic policy .
20 Any estate owner who achieved this might be thought to have made a notable bargain .
21 Senescent Eskimos , for example , might be thought to have had a raw deal if the stories of the banishment from the familial hearth of those unfit to hunt and fish are to be believed .
22 In some cases ( as with the barnacles ) forms whose adult structure seemed quite unrelated could be shown to have shared a common ancestry because their embryos were very similar at an early stage .
23 While Bachrach and Baratz must be recognised to have identified a major problem in pluralism , there are serious limitations to their analysis .
24 If the surety is a customer or if the creditor assumes the röle of advisor , it may be that the creditor will be found to have owed a contractual or tortious duty of care to the surety .
25 But if there is no more than that the creditor , in an attempt to satisfy itself that the surety properly understands the proposed transaction and that the transaction will not subsequently be impeachable , offers an explanation of the transaction and of the security document , I do not think that the creditor should be taken to have assumed a tortious duty of care .
26 When it did , the 13 are believed to have netted a total profit of more than ¥250m ( $2m ) .
27 Agencies then had to develop procedures for the implementation of PPB by the end of December 1965 By 1 April 1966 agencies were expected to have developed a comprehensive , multi-year programme and financial plan .
28 Armed guards told thousands of people with jobs in the western sector they should not report for work ‘ for the time being ’ , while a few were said to have turned a blind eye as scores of their fellow citizens ran for freedom .
29 Before the passing of the 1980 Act certain decisions of this court , in particular Wallis ' Cayton Bay Holiday Camp Ltd v Shellmex and BP Ltd [ 1974 ] 3 All ER 575 and Gray v Wykeham-Martin [ 1977 ] CA Transcript 10A were thought to have established a general doctrine that in one special type of case there would be implied in favour of the would-be adverse possessor , without any specific factual basis for such implication , a licence permitting him to commit the acts of possession on which he sought to rely ; the effect of implying such a licence would , of course , be to prevent the squatter 's possession from being " adverse " .
30 Recent warnings by prominent Quebec business leaders concerning the negative economic consequences of independence , coupled with the current economic recession , were thought to have had a sobering effect upon public opinion .
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