Example sentences of "be [verb] and it [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been done up you see , it 's been altered and it 's now the community centre they call it is it not Nana ?
2 The nature of the obligation is simply that of an obligation to repay money which has been received and it is neither necessary nor logical , simply because the conditions of repayment relate to the performance of covenants in a lease , that the transfer of the reversion should create in the transferee an additional and co-extensive obligation to pay money which he has never received and in which he never had any interest or that the assignment of the term should vest in the assignee the right to receive a sum which he has never paid …
3 It is very important to keep on happy and good terms with the family that are living and it is extremely sad when the death of a parent who loved all the children should be an unwitting source of family rifts .
4 of the , the national average and it 's not because erm they 're paying high wages to get the , the most able people , it 's because there are mechanisms , institutional mechanisms that keep wages high , there 's no market in the jobs for , th these are generalizations but I think they are fairly , fairly true erm becau there is no market for er for the jobs , for civil service jobs that appointments are made and it is much more important who you know than , than what , what you know and the old boy network , as it 's called , in this country is fairly important in the English Civil Service but a similar sort of network tends to be far more important in developing countries , something that is euphemistically called patronage erm but we might call the old boy network or er er jobs for the boys whatever , but erm
5 I would have thought that was a more likely erm But er we 're obviously we 're speculating and it 's perhaps
6 got back to his mark and we 're going to have three slips , Lewis gone to join the slips , so it 's er three slips and the gully , as waits for this one , packing were the up comes Lawrence now past Dickie Bird , bowls to him , well pitched up and he played a rather streaky stroke really , and he turns it away down to square Tufnell is down there , fields the ball , throws back quite nicely , he fielded very well , let's say that and one run goes on the total , er so that at the moment three hundred and four runs are needed and it 's about three point nine seven the required rate .
7 Prime 's Natick , Massachusetts headquarters has been sold and it is now headquartered at the old Computervision base in Bedford , Massachusetts .
8 In the actual examination all the figures are provided and it is only necessary to infer from inspecting the graph or drawing which of four alternatives is the correct one .
9 David Smith a bookie says there 's money to be won and it 's just as well he managed to eat when he was a youngster …
10 Risks to health and the environment can be minimised and it is also important to produce the energy cleanly .
11 And one of the features of the current policy is that affordable supply is partly a matter to be negotiated and it 's very important that it 's negotiated out of the general er supply made by private sector builders .
12 This can still be done , old components can still be obtained and it is often possible to restore 50/60 year old , or even older , wireless sets to their former glory .
13 If these are wildly out of balance then probably a diagnostic will be triggered and it is then advisable to change the position of the reference card and restart the run at Option 3 .
14 Our view is that the medicine has been delivered and it is just a matter of sitting it out , ’ said an MAFF specialist , John Wilesmith .
15 But I agree with Stuart , I think what we 've got be careful is that if we 're gon na introduce something , it is actually erm capable of being enforced and it 's very difficult to see us an enforcing agent .
16 Said Mr Robinson : ‘ Several views were aired and it is now important that we all try to push in the same direction to the benefit of the club . ’
17 Planning approval is often granted subject to satisfactory access being provided and it is therefore essential to approach the highways department of the local authority to establish both the status quo and the effects and requirements of any proposed development .
18 The analyses of the multiple choice versions suggest strongly that many pupils were guessing and it is only the non-multiple choice versions which are reported here .
19 Article 6 has never been implemented and it is highly unlikely that it would be used in this way , especially as the consequence would be to release the offending State from those Charter principles that were not deemed to be customary international law .
20 The bill should not have been sent and it is extremely regrettable , ’ said a trust spokesman .
21 The Clean Air Act of 1970 set out to create a healthy atmosphere for the population within less than a decade , but even by the 1990s this has not been achieved and it is now expected that some urban areas will not achieve healthy air until well into the next century .
22 It 's a word which everyone is using and it 's almost like confetti .
23 Yet this is exactly what is happening and it is also happening with the schools in a reactive stance .
24 It is news management by ministers which is suspected and it is very difficult to prove . ’
25 In that situation variety of activity is needed and it is also often possible to allocate times when students can choose between several options .
26 Then the sun is gone and it 's suddenly cold and the distant mountains are their night time black cut-out .
27 ‘ The IRA are sure that somebody in the organisation is talking and it 's really put the wind up some people .
28 At the time of writing only reports for 1991 and 1992 have been published and it is too early to evaluate the input that these new reporting arrangements will have .
29 Massive chunks of history are missing and it is really not possible to understand the Abstract Expressionists without reference to how they incorporated or reacted against those earlier tendencies .
30 on the nineteenth of August was postponed and it 's now in a couple of weeks , so I 'm gon na go
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