Example sentences of "the [adj] fact [is] [that] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The undeniable fact is that all worshipped ‘ gods ’ have in the past been man-made , either imagined or physically made in the form of idols .
2 The simple fact is that many of the values of the mass literacy movement have been ill-conceived .
3 The simple fact is that most crime is the result of giving a criminal an easy opportunity .
4 But the fallacious assumption underlying this reasoning is that the idea of identity of meaning makes sense only if the criteria of equisignificance can be clearly defined , whereas the simple fact is that any reference to the criteria of equisignificance already presupposes the notion of sameness of meaning .
5 Chairman I must respond to that , that the work secret road is not appraise donated to this organization , I think it 's one latched onto by the press to develop some headline , er nobody 's ever used that phrase about anything being secret in this organization whatsoever , the simple fact is that these drawings for your approval are not yet finished , that 's the extent of secrecy , my staff are still working on them , they 'll come
6 The sad fact is that many of these ‘ irruptive ’ birds spend their last days in the islands , because if they do not move on immediately while they still have the strength , the more time they spend searching for what is n't there , the less chance there is of their being able to make another long sea crossing .
7 The sad fact is that many organisations would be unable to recognise a customer even if he or she fell in front of them .
8 When many people take out their pension , they may be happily married , but the sad fact is that many will have divorced before reaching retirement .
9 The second fact is that those crews that took off on 25/26 August 1940 from bases like Waddington , Scampton , Lindholme , Hemswell and Newmarket , ill-equipped though they were to inflict any real damage on the enemy , achieved an impact on the course of the war that none could have truly appreciated at the time .
10 The plain fact is that some elements of the social charter would run the risk — indeed , would make it a real possibility — of this country returning to some of the trade union practices that did so much damage during the 1970s .
11 The plain fact is that any move to split up the political system of the United kingdom would increase the chance of having Conservative Government in England .
12 Yet the plain fact is that this number of children are dying every day — dying from diseases we know how to cure .
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