Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In looking at future development the service providers must address the geographic problems that can occur and also the duration of provision ( days , hours , weekends etc ) and consider whether these can best be met in a joint planning context .
2 That is one of the subtleties of the European negotiations that should impinge on the consciousness of Opposition Members .
3 If the new democracies are denied markets for their goods , then they will be unable to obtain the hard currency they urgently need in order to carry out the far-reaching reforms that will modernise their economies .
4 At a foreign press conference on June 26 , Rabin said that his government would end subsidies to " political " , as opposed to " security " settlements in the occupied territories and would aim to bring about Palestinian autonomy within one year .
5 It 's not long before he 's trying to explain the telepathic communities that will flourish after the apocalypse to me and offering this example : ‘ It 's like when you fancy someone , and you know you 're going to go with that person .
6 We can now turn to the possible conflicts that can occur between the marketing department and other departments .
7 As in criminal law , look for all the possible torts that may have been committed , and consider whether their essentials have been satisfied .
8 ( 2 ) Provide the Chairman with a note for each item of business , giving him the previous history of the discussion and indicating not the decision but at least the possible decisions that might emerge from the current meeting .
9 To refer back to the above example , the statements selected could not exhaust all the possible statements that could have been used .
10 Then there are the political slogans that will come our way over the next few months .
11 Failure could create a social time-bomb of disillusionment and despair , and the political forces that would exploit them are awaiting their chance .
12 It would spoil the flow to point out that everybody has been at it since the start of recorded time , or that much of the world has been fighting keenly away in these recent decades , while Western Europe was trying to invent the political structures that would make sure its nations never fight each other again .
13 It is very hard to predict the political circumstances that will favour interests of this kind , but manifestly many have secured benefits without the use of any perceptible political ‘ muscle ’ .
14 But they used to get the , the , the odd ones that used to come and gather s what we call hiplocks again that was the dirty wool off the sheath pin , sounds like that .
15 In the other cases , part of the tax is felt by the producers or suppliers in the form of the lower prices that would have obtained if VAT did not apply .
16 Indeed , Wycliffe maintained that Gaunt regarded political instability as one of the greatest evils that could befall a state ; and Gaunt 's political career suggests that he believed that political stability was best ensured by the maintenance of the prerogatives of the monarchy .
17 None of these measures to protect and augment the inheritance , however , were proof against the greatest misfortunes that could befall a noble family in the fourteenth century , failure of heirs and political miscalculation .
18 Two projects commissioned by the European Commission — the competitiveness of the Community 's ‘ tradeable service sector ’ relative to Japan and the USA , and the ‘ identification of the technical devices that will lead to new service activities in the next 10-15 years and the role which these new services might play in European society ’ — were completed in 1985 .
19 A second variation applicable to industrial goods markets will be customer perceptions of operating characteristics , which may carry greater weight than the technical specifications that may form the basis of the supplier 's sales pitch .
20 It is important that they slowly build up a historical vocabulary , and learn some of the technical terms that will allow them to talk about what they can see .
21 We will seek the directors ' approval to contact the short-listed parties and will provide an anonymous one page synopsis of the company for the first approach .
22 Much more important is that the student is aware of the general principles of that particular area of law , has acquired the proper technique for finding out the specific rules and can apply them to the facts of the case .
23 That is not the law where the charge is that those who are the directing minds and will have themselves committed a crime against the company …
24 That is not the law where the charge is that those who are the directing minds and will have themselves committed a crime against the company : see Attorney-General 's Reference ( No. 2 of 1982 ) [ 1984 ] Q.B .
25 If the directors do state their reasons the court will investigate them to the extent of seeing whether they have acted on the right principles and will overrule their decision if they have acted on considerations which should not have weighed with them , but not merely because the court would have come to a different conclusion .
26 Freud seems to give too much weight to the belief in Christ , and too little to the actual people in the church structures and the emotional ties that may build up between the ‘ secondary leader ’ and the believers .
27 The calls the section police receive constitute the bulk of their routine duties , although they also undertake the administrative tasks that might follow from them , such as preparing case files and attending court and post-mortems .
28 This may be reflected in the faunal changes and may have brought to an end the stable conditions represented by the pure quartzites that extend all the way from the Welsh borderland to Morocco .
29 He smiled for a long moment into the raging eyes that would have struck him dead if they could .
30 : the computer has no knowledge of the cultural norms that would identify the fridge as being a likely repository for food .
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