Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 But in fashioning his movement , Baden-Powell skilfully wove together any number of the political questions that preoccupied his contemporaries , and the movement 's spectacular growth drew on deep funds of social anxiety — anxieties which invariably settled around the excessive liberty allowed to young people and the attendant demoralisation which was , in turn , linked to a newly perceived upsurge in crime and violence among the young .
2 He had spent some time alone after talking to her father , had changed his clothes and had a shower , trying to clear his mind of all the stuff of history , the political necessities that ruled their lives , the reasons he must lie .
3 I 've got to have something that I can mark , to the representative marks that show your , your ability and how much you 've put into it .
4 He predicted that his party would pick up a fourth seat in the Lower Falls and hold its three seats in Upper Falls — giving it a total of 10 seats on the council .
5 Now also , knowing that there 's only just over five hundred or just six hundred members of the Liberal Democrats , in the eight constituencies that comprise our Euro constituency , there will be many benefits that can come off a Euro campaign in terms of membership , in terms of helpers , in in terms of morale and generally raising our profile , just through press contacts and things like that .
6 The Iranian policies that frighten its neighbours and the wider world are said to include the promotion of international terrorism , attempts to obstruct peace between Israel and the Arabs and a burning ambition to acquire long-range missiles and weapons of mass destruction .
7 THE leaders on the third leg of the Whitbread Round the World Race have cleared the southern tip of Tasmania and the outlying islands and begun their passage across the Tasman Sea to Cape Reinga at the north end of the North Island of New Zealand , writes Bob Fisher .
8 Since consultants gave their time free they were more available in more wealthy urban areas which could support the private practices that provided their income .
9 Leopold 's tragedy was that of a parent whose cherished child spurns his advice in adolescent rebellion ; but , unlike , for example , Alessandro Scarlatti , another musician father with a son more brilliant than himself , Leopold could never quite bring himself to untie the emotional leashes and allow his own ‘ young eagle whose wings are grown ’ to find his own way in the world .
10 The law ensured the " autonomy " of the armed forces but expanded their existing responsibilities for sovereignty and national territorial integrity to involve them in civil defence and the restoration of internal order at the request of the head of the Senate .
11 On March 8 , 1991 , Defence Minister ter Beek announced a 10-year plan to reorganize the military which would cut the size of the armed forces but improve their mobility and flexibility .
12 A decade later and it is still tackling the controversial issues and delighting its loyal audience .
13 He continued to hold her , however , until the dry sobs that shook her body died down into something more manageable .
14 I 'd return home and do all the usual things that keep your sense of yourself — eat , play around with children , do my washing , telephone my nearest and dearest , talk late into the night with my hosts , have fantasies , pleasure myself .
15 Leave the PR firms to produce the glossy releases and charge their clients accordingly , and let yours look like the raw news that it is .
16 Hastings Sea Life Centre takes you on a journey beneath the crashing waves that surround our coastline to discover a whole new world …
17 In 1536 and 1539 , Henry and Cromwell dissolved the English monasteries and confiscated their wealth and property .
18 The company had to give up the surplus stock it had accumulated at the expense of the public creditors and rescind its claims to be paid in full for the amount it had sold , but the real victims were the public creditors , who had to reconcile themselves to drastic losses in income and capital .
19 In a week or so weather and growth would have sealed up again all the raw edges that betrayed its use .
20 Mr Strouthos can offer hope to the empty souls and draw his magic circle of exclusion where he wants and the rest of us are free to disbelieve in any or all of his wares .
21 Neither was she aware of the mumbled words that passed her lips as the hours went by , nor of the method he used to warm her when she started to shiver again .
22 In mounting this exhibition , the National Gallery is correcting a bias which it perceives in the content and popularity of the British collections and continuing its reassessment of Northern European art , already apparent from its recent acquisitions policy .
23 Roads and railways were improved ; frequent patrols were made to assess the enemy 's strength and positions ; and aircraft not only kept constant watch on the German lines but prevented their aircraft from taking off .
24 Withdrawal from the Coalition Government was critical if the process was to go any further : how could Labour make genuinely independent peace overtures to the German socialists while retaining its direct involvement in the Lloyd George Government ?
25 Carolyn let herself out of the french windows and made her way along the trodden track to her garden , now a dug rectangle of some eight by twelve yards , backing on to the wall of Keswick 's warehouse .
26 My grandmother is a keen birdwatcher and she 'd already introduced me to a lot of the different birds that visited her bird-table , telling me what they ate and showing me their nests and explaining how they were made and what they were made of .
27 The sources of control play their part to varying degrees and in varying combinations in the different contexts that constitute our social worlds .
28 The Minister has also said that it' is no good raising standards here so that our farmers pay the cost — while others use the old methods and flood our markets with crueller but cheaper food' ’ .
29 Sarah Fleming answered the few questions that came her way with concise intelligence .
30 And to eat there — how she longed to , to drop the few years that made her different from Cad , to lose the ripeness and rotundities that would always make her different from Cati , who was , really , almost boy-like with her stringbean limbs , yet not quite boyish either , angelic rather ; she was not afflicted with the need Rosa felt , the gap opening inside her , where a longing for something other than what lay within her sights sat in occupation , banging her drum and marking out a new rhythm and new steps for Rosa 's spinning wants , calling down the corridors of Rosa 's body to her innermost inguinal life , till her blood rang to the beat .
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