Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , he is treating the semi-final trials more as a tune-up .
2 They were received in the Minister 's private flat in one of the narrow streets close to the House of Commons .
3 He hurried up the narrow steps on to the parapet of the curtain wall .
4 I looked for a textured effect by taking the broad tips sideways over the paper surface .
5 Like the mash tun , it has a slotted base and the liquid runs out of the vessel over a bed of spent hops .
6 These send the expectant mothers out on the tiles again where , if they are mated once more , they will be fertilized again and then carry two litters at two different stages of development .
7 In Rowntree 's examples of typical streets in 1900 , in the poorest streets up to a third of the householders were widows , in contrast to less than 5 per cent in the best working-class districts .
8 Ten days later , Falkenhayn was on the telephone himself , expressing the fear that the British were after all about to attempt a relief operation , ‘ and probably a landing attempt ’ It was hardly surprising that on April 17th Rupprecht — irritated and not keen to be involved in another of Falkenhayn 's half-measure offensives that he deplored — coolly declined his invitation to attack the British , pointing to the strong reinforcements now in the line .
9 Having located the spot , which had to be served by a nearby airstrip , they rang Anthony Marangos in Paris and told him to call back in half an hour with the largest houses closest to the spot .
10 In August Najibullah claimed that the PDPA would even countenance ‘ settling up a government that would include representatives of the political forces now outside the country , but who sincerely want to participate in the nationwide process of building a new Afghanistan ’ .
11 TO THE political burdens already on the shoulders of Nelson Mandela , President of the African National Congress , is now added a fresh wave of accusations against his incorrigible wife .
12 Both Governments regard the current upsurge in loyalist murders as an urgent incentive to get the political parties back around the negotiating table .
13 But they were forced by bad weather to abandon their efforts to entice the marooned males out into the safety of deep water .
14 From the Roman Forum , once the city 's most important political and social centre , to the Colosseum , perhaps the city 's best known monument , to the soaring Baroque dome of St-Peter 's and the Vatican city with its superb collection of paintings and sculptures , to the Trevi Fountains and the Spanish steps through to the twentieth century Victor-Emmanuel monument built to commemorate the unity of Italy — the list is endless and no amount of reading about the Eternal City can substitute a visit there as Rome speaks for herself .
15 The horse can move its lower jaw from side to side when eating , and the jaw muscles drag the lower teeth inward in a grinding motion .
16 You fit the lower brackets just inside the door shuts , the top ones behind the plastic trim behind the seat and the centre ones through the floor under the seats .
17 After the ceremony , the newly-weds cycled the eight miles back to the reception ( held in a friend 's garden ) on their tandem .
18 With this arrangement it is possible ( and desirable ) to keep the manufacturing details and the technical considerations together in the same file .
19 Thereupon the filed documents together with the writ of summons , the acknowledgment of service and any orders made in the High Court ( the " relevant documents " ) are sent by post from the Central Office to the county court to which the action has been transferred .
20 The ill wind that blew one of the pre-tournament favourites out of the Selborne Salver sent a breath of good fortune over Mark Treleaven at a sun-drenched Blackmoor Golf Club on Saturday .
21 It had a strange and thrilling resonance , as if the singer were standing in a large room or a courtyard built of stone in one of the ancient palaces left by the Mogul emperors further to the west .
22 Ten years before , in December 1978 , Deng Xiaoping had given his support to reforming the economy first in the rural areas then in the cities .
23 ‘ They 've stopped ringing because I pulled the bloody wires out of the wall .
24 Like a Shakespearian monarch he would have liked to be able to send the guilty ones straight to the scaffold , to be despatched on a block still steaming with the blood of the last condemned prisoner .
25 After the placing , for example , they threw a huge party for the professional advisers downstairs at a local Chinese restaurant , and in early 1987 , almost as a thank-you , they took the audit manager and me out to Chicago to meet the team there .
26 Discussions with the authority 's principal library organizer and his colleagues , together with discussions at local area and school level , showed that the professional librarians already on the strength of most of the ILEA secondary schools would be quite competent and also sufficiently willing to organize and administer school collections of audio.visual and other resources , as well as the print.form items with which they were already associated .
27 Melinda waded out after me and we climbed up one of the mooring ropes on to the deck .
28 The 7,000 representatives together with the party 's professionals and the MPs and Ministers of the Crown make themselves ready and , in some cases , available , for a night of pleasure .
29 After visiting the Hayward Gallery I spent a half-hour just gazing along the river line , the historic buildings sharp in the clear , cold , sunny air .
30 Lauren , 29 , says : ‘ More business would come here if we had a proper exhibition and conference centre and the right facilities out at the airport . ’
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