Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But even with that clutch of reasons to be glassy-eyed , I 've stayed almost sober for an entire month , sitting miserably at the bar wondering why low-alcohol lager has an after-taste like floor polish , and disturbing old friends with the rapt attention I give to such enquiries as : ‘ Ice and lemon in your tonic water , sir ? ’
2 And from C P R E's point of view we we would feel that the best way to do that is to is to reconvene if that 's the right word , the forum of Greater York authorities to look in more detail at at each of the sectors and under undertake the the technical comparison I think in a in in a fair and reasonable way which which I do n't think we 've really we 've really achieved during erm three hours of discussion today .
3 Certainly Conchis had n't got the petty-bourgeois gentility and the woolly vocabulary I associated with séance -holders ; but he was equally certainly not a normal man .
4 And I 'll write about the strange talk I had with the Nielsen woman .
5 No , his , his in the right place I suppose in the event of any thing happening are n't you .
6 The working hypothesis I end with , however , is that the subjective experiences of work , engendered by the application of particular rational-scientific principles of work organization , can have the psychic consequence that the worker is asked to manage himself at less than a mature level .
7 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
8 I 'll tell you this as I sit in the centre of my maze and listen to the clear song of the thrush : the murderous soul I met at Maubisson was one of the most chilling I have ever encountered .
9 The strongest image I got from his stories and subsequent research was of the oppressive jungle and heat in which the soldiers fought .
10 As she covered me from toe to head in the brown muck I thought of Julien Sorel in The Red and the Black , dissimulating and silent for the sake of ambition , his pride often shattered , but beneath it all solid in his superiority .
11 And the apostle Paul in Corinthians in chapter six he says , at the acceptable time I listen to you , and on the day of salvation I helped you .
12 Settling myself on the wooden bench I peered through the open slit .
13 You 're still the slim chick I knew in nineteen seventy four .
14 The social worker I had at the time kept coming to see me in Low Newton and saying , ‘ Do you not think it 's best if you get him adopted ? ’
15 The principal difficulty I have on this aspect of the case is that in Mr. Lester 's submission reference to Parliamentary material as an aid to interpretation of a statutory provision should be allowed only with leave of the court and where the court is satisfied that such a reference is justifiable : ( a ) to confirm the meaning of a provision as conveyed by the text , its object and purpose ; ( b ) to determine a meaning where the provision is ambiguous or obscure ; or ( c ) to determine the meaning where the ordinary meaning is manifestly absurd or unreasonable .
16 In the packed cathedral I looked past the broad , shining black plaits of the campesinas , the little , pert pigtails of the girls , up the aisle at the scarlet and gold draped Virgin , her arms outstretched in benediction beneath her gold pillared arch .
17 Could draw the absolute hate I have in me for him .
18 Then the ginger kitten I hid in the garden shed and mother found it and there was a monumental scene and Helen called her a beast ; funny , I can hear it now , mother going on about the kitten and Helen suddenly exploding and mother 's face .
19 And erm I did n't get the actual job I went for but they put me on the , on the relief register so that I go round to different people 's homes or different big hospitals and different Mencap homes relieving people when they 're on holiday or if they 're short of staff or something like that .
20 Whilst the nine-month period I spent at Abu Sueir in the Canal Zone .
21 By the second night I had to be scraped from the floor and dragged two miles to the only shop in the vicinity to buy something which could pass as edible .
22 The second question I have with your permission sir .
23 The second thing I welcomed from him was the need to get away from outward Western forms in worship and adopt meaningful indigenous forms .
24 And the second point I think about this year 's intake is that , in terms of A-level grades , it 's particularly good .
25 The second point I want to er make Mr Deputy Speaker wholly relating to this erm er clutch of er orders of which er eighteen plus the er the schedule which the minister did n't have time to go through in great detail , is the thrust of why I put the amendment down erm in fact that this order should not be er erm approved indeed until the citizens of Gibraltar have been and able to be represented in the European parliament .
26 The second drawing I submit to your lively discernment is the indigo bush , from which a deep and lustrous shade of blue is obtained by a kind of alchemy .
27 Er my Lord er the second observation I make about erm Mr opinion erm and the facts upon which it is based is that his opinion is hotly disputed er , not least because of what it would be submitted is the highly speculative nature of this enterprise er , when you are being asked to consider with the benefit of hindsight , whether or not a business entered into some eighty years ago , was likely to have failed and er it is also an exercise which in my submission is entirely irrelevant if your Lordship would find the basis of compensation which I contend for is the one because the logic of not having to become involved in any investigation of whether or not this business would probably have been unsuccessful in any event .
28 The second conclusion I drew about change masters ' individual skills was their ability to articulate and communicate visions .
29 I want to concentrate on the week in Adelaide in January 1933 that brought it all to a head , and the personal dilemma I faced as the Teuter-Press Association correspondent .
30 And at the beginning of the following term I wrote in huge letters on the front of my rough book ( regularly inspected by the housemistress ) , ‘ Exuberance is beauty ’ .
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