Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The switch in policy in 1978 was reinforced by the 1980 Competition Act wherein the Monopolies and Mergers Commission was given powers to investigate nationalized industries as well as private companies .
2 first of all go for the right angle sort out the hypotenuse okay .
3 For the complete recognition system however the existence of idioms ( and compounds in general ) may be exploited to further reduce the uncertainty as to the correct input as the following example shows .
4 According to the author , the Princess 's lowest ebb came with the publication earlier this year of the so-called Dianagate tape allegedly the recording of an intimate telephone conversation between the Princess and her long-time friend , James Gilbey .
5 Nor is the public education system historically the product of an act of nationalisation : it is the slow outcome of the fostering of voluntary , as well as the planting of state , establishments .
6 The long-term guarantee of a full and desirable simulcast service from Marcopolo in MAC would give the British electronics industry both the incentive to continue developing MAC technology and the live transmissions on which development depends .
7 The balloon says it all : lager has less than 50 per cent of the British beer market yet the brewers spend two-thirds of their advertising money on it .
8 Thus , to raise the potential value of the information being processed using activities beyond Taylor 's Stage 1 ( i.e. those in his Stage 2 ( analysing processes ) , or his Stage 3 ( judgemental processes ) , or his Stage 4 ( decision processes ) ) , the people involved must know and understand the detailed decision-making situation wherein the information will eventually be used .
9 Oh there was quite a few and then on the other side there was er , the old reading room where the erm er , building society is it now , what 's there ?
10 During the entire peace process both the EPL and FARC had maintained their guerrilla activity .
11 The actual etching process where the acid bites through the liner into the metal and makes a rule .
12 From the Second World War onwards the top 100 firms became even more dominant : by 1970 they produced 45% of total output .
13 The diatom analysis was sensitive enough to pick up land use changes : lake records detected pollen change , showing variation in vegetation , but it was the coincidence of the onset of acidification with the industrial revolution , its rapid acceleration after the Second World War when the consumption of fossil fuels leapt up , and the appearance of industrial metals , which made the conclusive link .
14 When it was formed in 1919 AIB was a branch of the old Air Ministry which controlled civil aviation as well as the Royal Air Force , and it remained in that department until immediately after the Second World War when the Ministry of Civil Aviation was formed .
15 Research on the role of stress in psychiatric disorder has grown markedly since the Second World War when the numbers of psychiatric casualties brought an awareness to the general public of the prevalence of mental illness .
16 Secondly , is the unique art object still the main focus of attention for artists and art historians ? ’
17 But what have we here as plays the ball across , it comes back off and out to the left hand side where the urgency from the crowd is for to get rid of it .
18 Roy Jenkins himself thought his friend Hugh Gaitskell was fighting on the wrong ground , and ought to have concentrated on amending not the party 's dogma , but its working constitution , ‘ so as , for example , to make the National Executive Committee less the creature of the trade unions and more that of the Parliamentary Labour Party ’ .
19 If a large increase could not be paid for by the National Coal Board then the government should meet it .
20 In the later Vogue piece only the style remained as the far more overtly sexual , Kahloesque models lounged and pouted in their ‘ Mexican ’ interiors .
21 I think it 's a it 's a question that they are perfectly right under the environmental protection legislation where the H M I P are given wider powers .
22 Whether in fact there are disadvantages for some men , whether in fact it 's very unusual for women to be the primary bread winner , when the man becomes the primary bread winner then the man holds the economic power .
23 The detail of the report reveals that the proportion of the Broken Hill lead in blood was still rising after the 18 month period when the experiment ended .
24 Built by Colla MacDonnell in the sixteenth century , it clings to a narrow promontory , and although there is not much left of the castle itself , its magnificent position is worth the long haul back up the cliff path .
25 Yeah , I did , went , I went through the blue , then we flew too Melbourne see eh , one of her friends and stayed with her , like they 've got trams there , went too the Great Barrier Reef where the water plane .
26 Thus , when many people talk ( or think ) about CAD , they are referring to the secondary design activity wherein the seed of the idea is fully investigated and developed .
27 If we are not having that conversation at the initial design stage when the total project for production is certainly many months ahead if not years ahead .
28 In another case we have managed to eliminate the first galley stage completely The first setting is now carried out at the first page proof stage and even this will save around £50,000 per year — more than the cost of the entire system .
29 By the First World War both the Canadian Northern and the GTP , shackled with loss-making mountain railroads , were in deep financial difficulties .
30 There were frequent rowdy incidents as these gangs of travelling supporters descended on a town for an away match , especially after the First World War when the struggle for Irish independence was at its height .
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