Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [be] [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 The European Community is asking for what remains of Yugoslavia to be isolated from world organisations , like the United Nations , as violence continues in Sarajevo in spite of a ceasefire call .
2 The European Commission are working for radical cuts leading to abolition of subsidies throughout the Community and we strongly support their efforts .
3 The professional army is substituting for the national will .
4 Presumably the working class were voting for the Labour Party since they saw it as their party and did not need to incentive of a party machine .
5 Both they and the Labour party are calling for an immediate change in the law to allow them to sell second-hand toys as before .
6 By 1934 the Labour Party was Preparing for the next election and the delegates at Southport resisted the attempts of the Socialist League to change the programme For Socialism and Peace into a radical appeal for a rapid transformation to socialism .
7 The elder son was working for the father as usual .
8 THE Scottish Office is calling for a £700,000 aid package from the European Commission to help the Shetland fishing industry after the Braer oilspill .
9 The Scottish envoy was waiting for us , sitting on a fallen tree trunk , talking to one of his clerks who tactfully withdrew as we approached .
10 The chance of stardom beckoned after Maureen read that the Civic Theatre was looking for a corgi to appear alongside the Queen in the Roald Dahl play .
11 This movement as part of the popular movement is working for a just and democratic society free from foreign intervention where the rhetoric of ‘ health for all ’ will be a reality — health as a right for all Filipinos .
12 The Foreign Office is calling for them to be freed on bail.Richard Barnett reports :
13 The French government is preparing for a massive new privatisation programme .
14 That is why , when the French economy was screaming for lower interest rates , President Mitterrand increased them the other day .
15 The small birds clustered tightly on the swinging coconut were fighting for a firm grip .
16 They went downstairs and the old lady was waiting for them in the hall .
17 Mungo had a strong sensation that the dark cavity was waiting for something to happen .
18 The most pessimistic observers are predicting growth rates of less than 1 per cent , and are suggesting that the Japanese economy is heading for a deep and prolonged recession .
19 And Matthew … poor Matthew ! — even now he 's being chased from pillar to post , on stage and TV at home and abroad — to satisfy the cuddly trio 's craving for mischief and mayhem !
20 In medieval times the acre or strip , which was the average day 's ploughing for an ox-team , was sometimes called a jurnalis ( or diurnalis ) in monks ' Latin and journel in French — that is , the amount of ploughing that could be done in one day .
21 most days you 'll find Tony Meek racing his dogs at the Oxford stadium … not tonight … because the speedway machines are there … its a gala night … the top twenty riders from the second division are racing for the Service Master Trophy …
22 The second storyline is going for the wider market , and some might argue , a little too near-the-knuckle for such an early evening show .
23 I spend some time extracting the following day 's tasking for my platoon and allocate teams to each task .
24 Just like ourselves , the real creature 's feeling for itself is subjective , within its own mind structure .
25 CCO was responsible for obtaining final approval of the force commander 's plan from the Chiefs of Staff Committee of which he was a member , and the plans were always subject to the naval Commander-in-Chief 's blessing for no major dispositions of ships were made without his say-so .
26 On July 17 , the Slovak National Council approved by 113 votes to 24 with 10 abstentions a declaration on the sovereignty of the Slovak Republic , stating that " a thousand years of the Slovak nation 's striving for its identity " had " reached its fulfilment " and proclaiming the sovereignty of the Slovak Republic " as the basis of a sovereign state of the Slovak nation " .
27 On July 17 , the Slovak National Council approved by 113 votes to 24 with 10 abstentions a declaration on the sovereignty of the Slovak Republic , stating that " a thousand years of the Slovak nation 's striving for its identity " had " reached its fulfilment " and proclaiming the sovereignty of the Slovak Republic " as the basis of a sovereign state of the Slovak nation " .
28 I thought the Flemish woman was sailing for Portugal ?
29 According to the The Northern Echo last week , the drive-thru chippy is heading for York , Middlesbrough and Newcastle .
30 The basic text was Scouting for Boys , although the clue to its meaning was in the subtitle : A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship .
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