Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [was/were] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst it is true that the summit meeting of heads of state and government ( prime ministers and presidents ) in Stuttgart in 1983 adopted a Solemn Declaration of European Union , it would be a mistake to assume that the prime ministers and presidents and the European Parliamentarians were on the same wavelength .
2 It was easy to assume , in the euphoria of this new found self-reliance which Israel found so difficult to break , that the occupied territories were on the road to political freedom .
3 The technical college was on the outskirts of town , miles away from the cinema .
4 This was the first hard evidence that a change in the advanced courses was on the way although , ever since the development at National Certificate level , it had been assumed that a major change in the advanced level would follow in due course .
5 Many senior figures from the armed forces were on the organizing committee , although accusations that the LC-MY would be a tool of the military were denied .
6 With Puddephat out of the way , the English faculty were on the spot .
7 On the economic front , the latest Dun and Bradstreet survey of UK business , carried out before last week 's increase in interest rates to 15 per cent , warned that the British economy was on the brink of a ‘ major slowdown ’ as high-interest policies produced a dramatic downturn in confidence .
8 The stripping action was on a par with other smaller models .
9 The stage hands thought she looked like a vulture waiting to pounce and would mutter that the old girl was on the sidelines again .
10 Because in the poorer streets , if you saw — the neighbours in the street knew an old couple , they were too old to work … and if you saw an old blue van with a coat of arms on it with an old horse , old grey horse driven by an old grey man , drive up the street , stop outside the door , you knew that the old couple were on the way to the workhouse .
11 Her outstretched hand disturbed a fragment of loose rock , sending it tumbling over the precipice ; for one hideous moment she fancied the entire ledge was on the move and about to hurl her into the chasm .
12 They also state that ‘ the hemiparesis in the second case was on the opposite cortical side from the migraine-associated ‘ hypoaesthesia ’ , but in their case-report both the numbness and the hemiparesis were right-sided .
13 By 1914 the Liberal party was on the ropes and the Unionists could look forward confidently to the election that could not be long delayed .
14 It is a striking fact that although the court in this case clearly adopted its paternalistic role in deciding how the child 's welfare would best be promoted , the chief emphasis was on the competing rights and responsibilities of parent and local authority rather than those of the child .
15 Right now the real Obispal was on the verge of departing from Stalinvast with a flourish of trumpets and hallelujahs .
16 During the Twenties and Thirties the tram service gradually expanded until , by August Bank Holiday 1933 , every one of the 156 cars was on the road .
17 As two leading historical demographers have recently stressed : " The largest and most obvious effect of the sharp rise in population in the eighteenth century was on the national average wage of labour . "
18 That was your annual affair and the er the er the chapel itself was at the end of it used to put up a tiered platform if you can imagine it you know at the end of the little chapel and the erm the younger children was on the bottom and as you got older you graduated to the top and er I do n't know why it was though but er I always had to say the collection piece .
19 And the National Guard were on the case now .
20 The chosen location was on the Shepton Mallet side of the tunnel , where he intended to record trains approaching the climb .
21 In the textile districts the new industrial landscape lay in the valley bottoms , which had been comparatively ignored in Defoe 's day , when the thickest settlement was on the hillside .
22 But the long weekend was on the strict understanding that she pay her own way .
23 There , the opposed classes were on the one hand the government and its apparatus ; and on the other , the governed .
24 During the 1970s television was on the air between thirty-five and forty hours a week .
25 The company said the major impact was on the UK brick company ‘ where a number of less effective manufacturing facilities are to be closed and production concentrated on the low-cost , high-quality plants ’ .
26 The great cavalcade was on the move .
27 The Great Seducer was on the loose and quietly and anonymously returned to a more vigorous social exchange .
28 Boring Hamish and the horse-resembling Antonia were on the floor , him in a kilt , her still in her white bridal gown , both dancing badly and out of time , but seemingly thoroughly enjoying themselves .
29 On Feb. 1 the Turkish ambassador in Athens was temporarily recalled and two days later the Turkish consul-general in Komotini was expelled for referring to the Moslems in the area as fellow countrymen , while the Greek consul-general was on the same day expelled from Istanbul .
30 The finishing line was on a dead run and Baccy had his crew throw the ballast overboard .
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