Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] for [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 We now come to the first of the simpler tests for irreducibility over Q[x] .
2 Although Cold War ideology and initial public ignorance in the West of the horrific power of nuclear weapons at first muted the public pressures behind a renewed expression of the unacceptability of indiscriminate means of warfare , the growth of the popular movement for peace over the past twenty-five years and especially in its recent phase must now lead to a reaffirmation of the principle and its application to nuclear weapons .
3 In 1859 he built the first of his 2–2–2 type express locomotives , two of which took part in the railway ‘ race ’ between east- and west-coast companies from London to Edinburgh in 1888 , and in 1863 he developed the 2–4–0 type for use over more heavily graded routes .
4 The guard was removed on the following day , but the incident exemplified the renewed struggle for control over the influential liberal daily newspaper .
5 The implication is that Saruman has been led from ethically neutral researches into the kind of wanton pollution and love of dirt we see in ‘ The Scouring of the Shire ’ by something corrupting in the love of machines or in the very desire for control over the natural world .
6 The sport 's governing body is also considering suing the American athlete for libel over accusations he made during a campaign to clear his name after he tested positive for steroids in Monte Carlo in August 1990 and was subsequently banned for two years .
7 Instead , table 5.2 illustrates the proportions of dwellings affected ( for example , unfit ) in each area and relates this to the average for the given year for stock over all areas .
8 Further , at the ‘ macroeconomic ’ level , the fiscal and monetary management of aggregate demand gradually displaced physical planning as the favoured mechanism for control over the economy ( this shift is charted quite precisely by Budd , 1978 ) .
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