Example sentences of "the [noun] which had be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The plaintiff may have made the most material changes in his position , and have induced the object of his affections to do the same , and have incurred pecuniary liabilities resulting in embarrassments , which would be in every sense a loss , if the income which had been promised should be withheld ; and if the promise was made in order to induce the parties to marry , the promise so made would be , in legal effect , a request to marry .
2 Apparently innocent of the opportunity which had been presented to them , they met in the Ravenhill Church and talked about what they should do and even hesitated about talking to the journalists waiting outside .
3 He had been cultivating a strain of ‘ Sweet Dreams ’ , the variety which had been selected as Rose of the Year in 1988 .
4 The accounts which had been submitted to the plaintiffs had dealt not only with the first defendant 's costs , charges and expenses but also with the receivers ' receipts and payments .
5 Before the second Dutch war they argued for parliamentary control of the revenue destined for the war , and during the session of 1666–7 Garway was in the forefront of the group 's attacks on government corruption , proposing a statutory committee to examine the accounts of the money which had been given for the war with the Dutch .
6 But it is also noteworthy that once the Suez adventure had been stopped how anxiously , if in the greatest secrecy , the Eisenhower administration set about trying to reverse the damage which had been inflicted upon the Atlantic alliance and upon Britain .
7 Angry though the prince was about this , he was still trying to repair the damage which had been done to Russo-Bulgarian relations when Roumelian irredentists took the game out of his hands .
8 To revert to an old style would be to try to set back the clock and deny the progress which had been made and made under divine providence .
9 In my first ten years of headship over 100 families used the service which the school provided , often returning to share with the group the progress which had been made and to comment on the ways in which their children had responded to the advice they had been given .
10 This Congress was convened to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the death of the Abbe de l'Epee a foremost pioneer in the history of deaf education , and was intended " to prove the progress which had been accomplished during the last century in the moral , material and social condition of the adult deaf and dumb ; therefore this Congress will not have anything to do with , or to remark on the methods of teaching which is not in its province " .
11 Apart from the canvases which had been found they brought the gallery a number of landscapes as a gift .
12 It appeared that other newspapers had been ready to publish the proposals which had been finalised by Mr Andreas Whittam Smith , editor of the Independent , after Tuesday 's meeting , which he chaired .
13 I felt at peace with the world , even though by the summer of 1939 Europe seemed to be drifting closer to war and everyone was glued to the BBC short-wave Overseas Service bulletins , or even devouring month-old copies of The Times which had been airmailed to Australia and sent on by ship , together with the Illustrated London News , Tatler , and particular titles ordered by the expatriates .
14 It also needed to collect the cases which had been referred to the consultancy service .
15 He was still grinning when they rode into the camp which had been built by the Moi in a bend of the slow-flowing river .
16 The horses turned their heads to look at him , but were not disturbed , except the mare which had been allocated to Gary .
17 The ambition was fulfilled earlier this year , when the building which had been converted to offices for many years , was restored to the splendour which is now The Regent London .
18 Mr Baillie said the part of the building which had been converted to offices was no longer suitable for care of the elderly and could not have been adapted economically .
19 The whole point is , Chairman , the planning officers , both at the site inspection and when it was discussed er er er they were under no misapprehension that it was the height of the building which had been objected to actually .
20 Derek Fielding then had the further unpleasant experience of coming across some of his father 's ashes when he went to recover the cask which had been dumped near a newsagent .
21 Isolated pockets of alluvium and fluvioglacial material were encountered in various small valleys along the route which had been formed as glacial melt-water channels .
22 The dilemma which faced them with regard to Artai was complex — even given the clear direction of the Yasa — and no one who was in possession of all the facts could be blamed for unwillingness to condemn the course which had been decided upon .
23 This point had some importance because , in Gaitskell 's absence in America , there was an attempt by Griffiths , the Deputy Leader , to object to the course which had been adopted .
24 He soon turned his attention to the districts which had been put out of the forest earlier in the reign .
25 In human terms the reasoning which had been presented to him was filled with flaws and false assumptions .
26 Peter Northfield , public affairs manager for the Great Eastern division of BR 's Network SouthEast , said some commuters were angry because they normally used the carriage which had been taken over by protesters .
27 Just over one hundred children between the ages of four to eleven came to the canteen which had been transformed with decorations .
28 War production — the very continuance of the war itself — depended on civilian morale ; morale determined the need to take account of the blueprints for the future which had been articulated before the war began .
29 The meal was organised around the char which had been caught that afternoon , and Hope was touched at the extravagant praise lobbed his way for the provision of the excellent fish .
30 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
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