Example sentences of "the [noun] and [verb] she a " in BNC.

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1 To give him his due , after the quip about illegal topless bathing , her rescuer had helpfully hunted round the saloon and found her a large rather battered white canvas jacket to wrap herself in .
2 Charlie emerged from the kitchen and handed her a cup .
3 He led her through the crowded flat to the kitchen and poured her a glass of wine .
4 Each morning her mother drew Emma 's attention to the chart and gave her a lot of praise and attention while she selected a sticker for her good behaviour .
5 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
6 ‘ Of course , that 's it , chérie , ’ said Lapointe , putting an arm round the fräulein and giving her a squeeze .
7 We 've got to go there tomorrow , so ’ — he took his hand from the wheel and gave her a quick pat — ‘ put your neb under your wing until after the holidays and see what transpires then . ’
8 On Friday at school he passed Nutty in the corridor and gave her a fierce stare to remind her about their appointment and she said , ‘ I have n't forgotten , ’ in an aggrieved voice .
9 He could hardly limp across the room and offer her a plastic spoon , especially as it had already been used .
10 Tired , too : she lay awake at night , thinking , and came down several mornings so pale that Auntie Lou wanted to go to the chemist and buy her a tonic .
11 Anyway , Mrs Aggie had been very sorry she had struck her and she had taken her into the town and bought her a real new bonnet , although she would allow her to wear it only on a Sunday .
12 A judge was divorced by his wife because he had taken to the idea that she was possessed by the devil and gave her a thump or two to drive Satan out .
13 She did n't point out that they had to go back the way they had come , and when he reached into the back and handed her a water container she drank gladly .
14 ‘ Off you go , little girl , ’ he said briskly , released the reins and gave her a slap across the haunches .
15 Wetherby threatens to end the affair and make her a laughing-stock , especially if he intends to flaunt a new liaison with Armitage under her nose .
16 Joe fetched the tart from the larder and cut her a large portion .
17 William sat on the bed and handed her a glass .
18 Hop on over to the end of the road and give her a tinkle .
19 Mungo put the glass on the floor and offered her a biscuit , taking one himself .
20 He wanted somebody else to have done the persuasion and taught her a thing or two first .
21 give her the benefit of the doubt and give her a fair chance .
22 Then he eased her back on to the chaise-longue and gave her a stern look .
23 Maura sat nervously on the edge of the big double bed while he opened the bottle and brought her a glass .
24 He had taken her off the streets and given her a home because he was besotted with her ; the home that Sarah 's mother had kept clean and cheerful even when her health was failing .
25 If it had not been for Elizabeth taking her in off the streets and giving her a home , then Tilly 's own life would have been empty .
26 She said goodbye to Jenny at the garage and made her a parting present of the Brownie Annual , which left Jenny almost speechless with delight .
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