Example sentences of "the [noun] of [v-ing] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I hope you 'll give us the opportunity of getting to know you better , on some happier occasion . ’
2 Half the class refused to go to the lessons , frightened of being set on fire or being thrown through a window , but Endill liked the suspense of waiting to see what each mixture did next .
3 Governments should not need to learn what so many people and companies have had to learn — the dangers of trying to borrow your way out of trouble .
4 The Audit Commission pointed out that 4 million people would be lifted out of the penury of having to pay it and that it would be possible to concentrate on those who can genuinely afford to pay but who do not .
5 The experience of trying to force one 's perceptions into preconceived categories , and the pain and distortion that this has often led to , is now used as a basis by feminist theorists for the argument that to see feeling as ‘ contaminating ’ objective , scientific knowledge points to a distortion of conceptualisation .
6 She had two young children and was going to be thirty she felt the responsibility of having to forget her fantasy life as her Frenchman 's cabin boy .
7 Salvidge proposed to delete these insulting words but could not even find a seconder ; nine MPs were present , including Younger , Sanders and Neville Chamberlain , all of whom must have approved of the resolution or seen the futility of attempting to amend it .
8 On occasion a member of parliament might be asked to obtain a sinecure , a nominal place which would provide income without the necessity of having to do anything to earn it .
9 The purpose of the section is to protect successful objectors from the necessity of having to renew their objections to the same application for a two year period .
10 A constable who in the course of patrolling sees something which in his opinion is of a suspicious character , should satisfy himself one way or the other before proceeding to work the remaining portion of his ground .
11 There were , of course , grounds for taking it ; they could well argue the impossibility of continuing to give their loyalty and service to a monarch who was creating a totally new situation by failing in her fundamental duty of ruling her people .
12 ‘ Nowadays ’ , said Bismarck in 1884 , ‘ no Government is strong enough to stand the reproach of having sacrificed its own national interests as a favour to a friendly Power . ’
13 I could not keep up with the demands of trying to keep everyone happy , and in desperation to make sure I keep my looks , I gave up eating , ’ she is alleged to have said .
14 To schematise , the British working class has not been ready to run the risks of attempting to constitute itself as the ruling class , of putting forward concrete proposals for working class control over industry and finance and fighting seriously to achieve them .
15 Mum did all the work of trying to find something .
16 The best and most experienced accounting officers come out about all square and do not have to suffer the indignity of having to ask their ministers to present supplementary estimates to Parliament at the end of the financial year .
17 At least , she thought as the taxi carried her to the astrologer 's home , she had not had the ordeal of having to explain her bizarre decision to go out to Piers .
18 Just as well that she had been at least spared the ordeal of having to face him this morning .
19 the offences of failing to produce you 've been fined ten pounds for each of those three offences .
20 ‘ Just the act of having to leave their fiefdoms , get into a car , and be driven to the White House was a powerful reminder to every member of the cabinet that it was the president 's business they were about , not theirs or their department 's constituents . ’
21 A will have the statutory power of arrest it B was in fact attempting to steal something in the shed , or if A reasonably suspected him of being in the act of attempting to steal something in the shed .
22 Whitehall recognised the wastefulness of attempting to duplicate their expertise , though the Ministry of Fuel and Power had appointed expert advisers on both economics and science , perceiving the need for at least some expert technical knowledge if they were to exercise their overseeing role .
23 You 've saved me the embarrassment of having to turn you in !
24 ‘ Mr Blake is my employer , ’ Charity said stiffly , saving Matthew the embarrassment of having to come up with a reply , and herself the embarrassment of having to hear it .
25 While urging for a change in the terms of the debate , in the short-term fat women must argue that to be both fat and beautiful is not a contradiction in terms , as part of the process of beginning to celebrate our sexuality .
26 And also after his reconciliation with Miss Havisham , for whom he gets hurt in the process of trying to save her from the fire and also because of how he wants so much to help Herbert .
27 However , another fisherman later claimed that he had dredged up the same body a few months earlier and , in the process of trying to recover it , the head had come off in his hands .
28 Unlike Sunsoft Inc , Solbourne is not in the process of trying to upgrade its operating system to cope with the requirements of large-scale SMP systems , its had that work under its belt for many moons .
29 I 'm in the process of trying to get someone to come in to do one evening girls ' assertiveness , you know which some of them said they 'd quite like to do .
30 It turns out , however , that the eviction of Iraq from Kuwait by force is not a simple military matter , and that in the process of trying to bring it about , the US has been leading the coalition towards tactical objectives , and perhaps strategic war aims , which are much wider .
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