Example sentences of "the [noun] of [noun prp] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 This morning , the end of the series is marked with the doxology from Ephesians 3 , verses 20 and 21 , which follows on from the prayer of Paul that we have just heard .
2 The heart of Europe as we mean it , is not John Major 's heart of Europe .
3 All this contrasts sharply with the flimsy world of divination , of Madame Sosostris , which lands us unsurprisingly in the heart of London as we hear how all this ‘ fiddle ’ will always be found ‘ When there is distress of nations and perplexity/ Whether on the shores of Asia , or in the Edgware Road ’ .
4 It is as we travel into the faith of Christ that we grow in our appreciation of his love and of our own deep unworthiness .
5 When we reached Dunkil we could have done two things , we could have said to the Bible class , We had a marvellous journey up and told them all about the glory of God as we saw him in the mountains , or we could have said , We almost had an accident on our way up here .
6 The October sun dipped into the Atlantic , silhouetting the Paps of Jura as we shoved off into the sound toward Harry 's Island .
7 There is a member involvement in the process of developing that overall strategy , in , into the kind of Shropshire that we would wish to see in the future .
8 I am concerned only about the kind of Europe that we will have .
9 " We recognize the fact that the United States is going to have to take the relief over in [ postwar ] Europe , and in return for that … we will set up once and for all the kind of Europe that we expect . "
10 Do you agree that the characteristics of Skelton as we have considered them this morning , make a contribution to the setting of the historic city of York ?
11 ‘ We have been looking at the pictures of James and we are really upset because there is such a likeness . ’
12 The route we had taken through the cordillera from Cajamarca had brought us virtually into the outskirts of Tmjillo and we had put up at a hotel in the centre of the city , all three of us more or less out on our feet .
13 For example , we have the form of expression ‘ when I said ‘ Napoleon was crowned in 1804 ’ I meant the man who won the battle of Austerlitz' and we are inclined to interpret the use of the past tense ‘ meant ’ as meaning that the idea of Napoleon having won the battle of Austerlitz must have been present in the speaker 's mind when he said that Napoleon was crowned in 1804 .
14 In spite of the more sophisticated pleasures of town life the period spent at Number Five made the greater impression on us and provided the picture of Lewis that we shall always retain .
15 What the right hon. and learned Gentleman said then has , over time , come to be seen yet more acutely as a cogent and sensible analysis of the needs of Scotland as we approach the end of the century .
16 If the market remains strong there may not be as sharp a gap at the beginning of April as we first feared because the strong trade will encourage more even selling , ’ added a senior economist , Jane Moore . ‘
17 We have had a lot of delay getting suitable material from John Ranford and Chris Roles regarding Will Aid but I gather that this is now to be ready by the end of the month and hopefully Euan will be starting at the beginning of July if we can plan accordingly .
18 Rossythe is no different we stand to lose eighteen thousand plus training facilities for the whole of Scotland but we 've just been told of recent that a new nuclear waste dump is to be built at Rossythe could you tell us if this is a forerunner for the subject of closing Rossythe down with a loss of all these jobs ?
19 It is appropriate , too , that an attractive modern building here houses the country 's Federal Archives containing among other items the solemn pact of 1291 , the signing of which by representatives of Schwyz , Uri and Unterwllden was the decisive step in the evolution of Switzerland as we know it .
20 I hope that the Government will clarify their stance and reassure the people of Scotland that we are not to be the nuclear dustbin of the world .
21 The customer is the people of Lincolnshire that we represent , they are going to lose out by this sort of policy and we oppose the principle of borrowing for these sort of reasons ,
22 We need to show the people of Hungary that we are here , we need their support for the air force and the pilots .
23 But it 's also erm about discovering the completeness of the ministry of the people of God as we enter through the various commitments that we have to our sister churches in Wales and in Britain and in the world , whether it 's routine or a particular relationship of members or All that 's part of the context of the ways in which we 're talking about and sharing with each other with God .
24 Moreover , both directly and through the medium of the European Community , my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary has made it plain to the Government of Israel that we deplore the closure decision and that we believe that the universities , colleges and schools should remain open .
25 In verse fourteen it says , when the apostles in Jerusalem that Somaria had received the word of God and we can not become Christians without God 's word .
26 Erm we do try and be nice to them we do try and give them presents occasionally like little , you may have seen some of them wearing little lions head badges which er are part of the arms of William that we had made .
27 Subsequently , Step 3 , " Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him " is more demanding of one 's resources of humility ( as indeed are all the Steps ) but it is really a logical progression from Steps I and 2 .
28 ‘ The Port Royal was not available until the end of March so we were asked to mobilise the Safe Holmia and another flotel the Polyconfidence first ’ .
29 Er , now to move on to events that have happened since the , er , annual report was printed many of you will no doubt have seen in the press that the same time as we announced our results at the end of March that we agreed to buy , er , the Alton Towers theme park er , in Staffordshire , from John , for sixty million pounds er , the purchase has now been completed .
30 But from what is available it looks as though typing Services will be rid of Wang by the end of September and we could be linked by December ( this does seem optimistic ) .
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