Example sentences of "the [noun] of [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once it was realized that dispositions could be salvaged by the mere addition of a trust clause , it is likely that the addition of one became a regular feature of testamentary practice .
2 Her dedicated persistence finally gave a delegation of East End working women the opportunity of themselves demanding the vote from the prime minister , H. H. Asquith ( later first Earl of Oxford and Asquith ) .
3 In this paper the measure of who sets the objective for the lawyer is used .
4 They ended with the ‘ Declaration of Common Purpose ’ at the heart of which lay a commitment by the President to :
5 Acres of woodland and parkland , at the heart of which stand the remains of a 12th Century Cistercian Abbey which inside has exhibitions depicting the history of the monastery and country house .
6 Here the detector is connected through a second closely coupled low-loss transformer , the primary of which has an adjustable tapping X' that divides it into sections with turns N' 1 and N' 2 .
7 OVER the years I have learned to stop wincing at the description of someone having a drink problem .
8 Functional representation through organized interests representing the needs and demands of people in similar positions is as important to the pluralist as individual representation through the election of someone to represent the interests of a territorial constituency in a democratic assembly organized on majoritarian principles .
9 And besides the coincidence of his getting a new handler , without explanation , right after the disaster , Coleman could not help remembering the schoolboy password routine he had been given on joining the DIA .
10 Your friend can share the experience of you seeing the boy .
11 Not that you suspect him because you do n't like the look of him walking the streets — he 's got to be a suspected person .
12 One of the main criticisms levelled at US and European transnational corporations in Asia , Africa and Latin America is that their operations are predominantly of the export processing variety , employing low wage workers ( mainly ‘ nimblefingered ’ young women ) in monotonous and often physically debilitating labour , the products of which constitute a small proportion of the value-added of the final commodity .
13 There is even evidence to suggest that elephants existed as far as the Upper Euphrates basin as late as the first millennium B.C. Syrian ivory contributed to the supplies available to New Kingdom Egypt and at the same time provided the material for the flourishing school of ivory workers based on Tyre , the products of which enriched the civilizations of the east Mediterranean and Assyria .
14 The remains of a type of bake oven were unearthed , as well as another large oven , the function of which remains a mystery .
15 The test picks out a protein made by a defective gene , the presence of which indicates the patient has the fastest-moving type of cancer .
16 This is a 7 cm ( 3 in ) long member of the weaver bird family , the male of which bears a 50 cm ( 20 in ) long tail .
17 And here we may note that the definitions of what constituted a Soviet national appear to be unique and to derive from no other known document or authority .
18 III ) , where a border of crowstep pattern encloses a mixed ( or failed ? ) meander of swastika and greek key , to the west of which lies a four-swastika meander design .
19 The insanity of one unites the sane majority , while the ghoul and the cynic get another cheap thrill .
20 When suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven , the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting .
21 Much emphasis was put on the importance of identifying the key decision-takers and making sure that they had the right information — much was made of the necessity of their getting a balanced picture on which to take their decisions .
22 The boilers to raise the necessary steam were of ‘ Lancashire ’ type , the characteristics of which enable a small amount of steam to be supplied over long periods with a minimum of attention , which was the type of duty envisaged for this plant .
23 A blind student and his partially-sighted friend are preparing to climb Ben Nevis with the aid of something called a hoople .
24 I was ready to fulfil the condition of my having the operation : I had to spend a year ‘ passing ’ as a male in stereotypical working-class jobs .
25 Charities equally look south , either with the eyes of one beholding a feast or of those deprived of a seat at the table .
26 Its centre lies in the recognition of what impedes the sight of love , whereas Scale 2 is occupied with facilitating recognition of the nature of God 's being — love — in man .
27 It is the result of us winning the argument in favour of our diesels , not only on grounds of economics but also on quality . ’
28 Paisley 's second prison term was the result of his organizing a blockade of Armagh to prevent a civil rights march .
29 Some part of her energy was spent inventing her own luxuries luxuries that preserved a precious self-importance such as : the photograph of herself wearing a train and with presentation feathers in her hair , and the one of Hubert Fox-Collier in full dress uniform , with decorations .
30 In November the Left SRs , now formally established as a separate party , entered negotiations for the formation of what proved a short-lived coalition with the Bolsheviks .
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