Example sentences of "the [noun] that i be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The last type of direction is that of directing your body as a whole entity — ‘ What is the direction that I am going in ? ’
2 For even if we achieve the objective of a full franchise then the purpose of that full franchise will not work for disabled people if they do n't have full access to polling stations , they only then have the alternative of using postal or proxy votes and not exercising their franchise in the same way that able-bodied people er will do and their full right are part of the measure that I 'm seeking the house to agree that I should pursue .
3 Right , David , you said you 'd been approached by another insurance company , er , I could obviously say , I recommended Abbey Life , and I 'm tied to that , but I actually joined because I think they 're a particularly good company , in that what , in the use they make of the money that I 'm paying , actually goes , performs very well .
4 So erm the money that I was gon na you know , use for that I 'll use for the ticket .
5 Like all our previous trade union legislation , the proposals that I am announcing today have two main objectives — first , to safeguard the democratic rights of trade union members within their unions and , secondly , to protect employees , employers and the community at large against the abuse of industrial power .
6 The look that I 'm trying to get is a sort of pinky-mauvey look on this lovely , sort of wine coloured cloth .
7 After all , one of the reasons that I 'm doing this job is that I 'm plugged into what 's going on out there .
8 For appearances ' sake I maintained the fiction that I was setting up an independent enterprise in the EFL field .
9 I walk into a dance rehearsal as a well-adjusted 44-year-old woman holding on to my valiums and the hope that I 'm growing old gracefully , and I walk out a 19-year-old hooligan with purple hair extensions , leopard-skin cycling shorts , black lip-gloss and the word ‘ menopause ’ blocked out of my consciousness .
10 I placed my pipes and rucksack on the back seat of the jeep and informed the driver that I was going into the orchard for a last look round .
11 The reply that I was given is as follows : ’ The external finance limit for BR next year will be £2,041 million .
12 But even this did n't dispel some of the confusions that I was feeling .
13 And the card that I 'm going to do will be have John P you know erm teacher , accompanist
14 Really I think I am able to demonstrate in the written account of the research that I am presenting a very real account of their teaching and their problems , as well as their successes .
15 Really I think I am able to demonstrate in a written account of the research that I am presenting a very real account of their teaching and their problems , as well as their successes erm sometimes I was able to observe lessons that went wrong and were very erm difficult for the teachers , as well as the lessons that were successful , so I do n't really think it the problems at the end .
16 However , recognising John 's substantial experience of ICAO matters , the division appointed him as chairman of committee ‘ A ’ , with the result that I was left virtually as head of the UK delegation .
17 For over twenty years I worked under the delusion that I was teaching maths .
18 The mention that I was journeying via Marseilles prompted him to warn me , somewhat to my surprise , not to let the street-girls of the special quarter ( since abolished ) commandeer my hat — a favourite play of theirs to inveigle one inside — which suggested that he had experienced such an approach .
19 That 's the equation that I 'm setting I 'm setting up .
20 Again the densities that I was getting back from them varied considerably , from a hundred workers per hectare on some
21 When I first began the work that I am doing now , I decided to keep an open mind about the topic ; but , as time has progressed , I have been able to record details of fact , time and place given to me by my patients which have later been checked and confirmed and found to be wholly accurate .
22 the work that I was giving him
23 At the university here we have got two or three groups in which we do know how to do that and especially the work that I 'm associated with , again the arts undergraduates , we have developed over a period now of something like six years , ways of giving them confidence , and it 's amazing to see what happens .
24 Sorry , I should explain to the committee that I was informed that the secretary who normally does the minutes for the half past one was sick , and had , she 'd been sent home by her doctor at lunch time , so I came back from lunch and had to come straight into committee , and I do apologize if I have missed bits of paper or whatever , I 've gathered up everything I could , but that might well be one of the things that I 've left behind .
25 Yet it is n't the wealth that I 'm wanting
26 The bloke that I was sat next did n't take any either .
27 We talked earlier about amateur British people and we talked about amateur British magistrates and I 'm a , an amateur British magistrate , but the question that I 'm going to put next was put by a colleague of mine , who has preferred to remain anonymous , and that is , it 's proposed to fine motorists on the spot for minor offencmes in this country in the near future , and the question is , ‘ Does this system apply in other European countries , and is it a good system ? ’
28 Somewhat eccentrically , the question that I was going to ask was about next Wednesday 's business .
29 So I was going to rummage through these slides and we do n't have them , erm so I 'll have to , I 'll hand the , the , the book around in just one minute , erm the poems that I 'm going to read to you , very few of them are actually complete , most of them are sketches erm ideas and images of erm , that I 've got , I 've , I 've got them from the paintings .
30 I dreamt of making an Olympic team when I was in high school , a rather far-fetched dream for a 4:36 miler , but that dream was part of what got me through all those hard times during the years that I was losing race after race in college .
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