Example sentences of "the [noun] for [noun] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 There are three erm , categories to er the requests for allocations for this meeting , erm , the balance of the contingency currently , is one point seven two nine million pounds .
2 The highlight of the course for many pupils is definitely the extended project which they carry out over the first two terms , tapping the wide network of apparatus available in the Department for work at this level .
3 Norman Lindop , as Chairman of the Committee for Education at this stage , considered that the Council had been placed in an impossible position by the sudden introduction of a new range of institutions ‘ and the need for urgent action to solve problems externally created ’ .
4 I must take the blame for thinking of this one .
5 The initiative for bodies of this sort has not only come from the centre .
6 The treatment of off-air material outlined in Video Plans 14 and 15 could form the basis for discussion of this kind .
7 The desire for resurrection in this life .
8 What are the implications for women of this historical — and continuing — trend ?
9 Clearly the need for works of this kind was now being felt in foreign offices .
10 We all laughed , but it was a perfect illustration of the need for consciousness-raising on this point .
11 The need for developments of this type can originate outside the company as in the cases of self certification of sickness , EEC regulations regarding health and safety or the proposed legislation on privacy and data protection .
12 Hence the need for research in this area .
13 But the need for information on this small group is evident .
14 With few exceptions , they have turned to the TNCs for help in this daunting task .
15 The agenda for reform on this issue is made up of a whole range of possibilities .
16 Horton in Ribblesdale is the springboard for explorations in this area .
17 With house prices tumbling by the week , the scope for one-upmanship in this field has become severely restricted — only to be replaced by the school fees bore .
18 Yes , whilst the arrangements for holidays in this brochure are made many months in advance , changes may unfortunately be necessary .
19 Therefore some Malaysian lawyers are concerned to examine the prospects for Islamisation of this field of law :
20 The surrounding area contains a number of superior properties and the demand for properties of this type is extremely high .
21 This statutory definition was originally formulated under s15(2) of SOGIT 1973 ( now substituted by s192(3) ( a ) , Sched 4 of CCA 1974 ) which came about as a response to the demand for reform in this area .
22 The arguments for help in this learning task seem overwhelming .
23 The motivation for research in this field may be applied ( e.g. the development of human-computer interfaces , machine translation systems , information retrieval , etc. ) or theoretical ( e.g. the investigation of grammars proposed by theoretical linguists ) .
24 The space for insight in this very popular genre is potentially enormous .
25 If you , if you put down the letter for people like this , sort of , I would of done one of two things , I 'd would get really nark about that and the way they give you what you want
26 Birth was the least of the requirements for co-option to this introverted community .
27 The Old Rectory is County Restaurant of the Year for Gwynedd in this year 's Good Food Guide , and Vaughan 's fare on the no-choice , £22-per-head menu is described as displaying much skill .
28 It could be a case of Back To The Futon for Springsteen at this rate .
29 Dische ( 1973 ) has outlined the criteria for suitability with this approach :
30 The criteria for selection to this study were those previously described by the Munich Study Group ( Table I ) with the exception of the stone characteristics .
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