Example sentences of "the [noun] is [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I think the sufficiency of the sentence is never to be called in question , nor any inquiry to be made here into the reasons of the deprivation .
2 If , by virtue of the above , proceedings may be commenced in either court , the choice of court will be influenced by the following considerations : ( 1 ) where the case is eventually to be tried , ie whether in the High Court or in the county court — separate rules for each , set out below , apply ; ( 2 ) whether the county court has jurisdiction to grant the relief being sought ( see Chapter 2 ) ; ( 3 ) whether the county court has jurisdiction to enforce the judgment to be obtained ( see Chapter 2 ) ; and ( 4 ) the risk of being struck out or penalised in disallowance of costs if proceedings which are clearly suitable for one court are brought instead in the other ( see below ) .
3 Yet we do have rough-and-ready scales of value ; certain impulses regularly win out over others and , if the toss is there to be argued over , we will claim that this is how it ought to be .
4 If the instrument is only to be an indicator of magnetic activity then calibration is not really necessary .
5 The crease is there to be used , but he does not use it .
6 An immediate appeal to the BBC 's board of governors asking them to ban the programme is also to be made .
7 The music of the words is there to be used — but not at the expense of the sense and emotional content .
8 Facing the title-page is often to be found the ‘ frontispiece ’ , devoted to a portrait or some interesting part of the subject matter .
9 The committee do not expect members participating to be put to any expense or undue trouble , the proposal is merely to be an ‘ old boy ’ friend in a strange town or country .
10 Although vague in its definition of responsibilities , the law is nevertheless to be imposed on the museums .
11 The campaign is also to be backed by a new body , ‘ Action on Elder Abuse ’ , to be launched in the autumn by Age Concern England .
12 This bids them to look at the common law ( i.e. the legal position ) before the Act , and the mischief that the statute was intended to remedy ; the Act is then to be construed in such a way as to suppress the mischief and advance the remedy .
13 The package is yet to be approved by the member states and will be toughly negotiated .
14 How to cut the cake is yet to be resolved .
15 In daylight the mound is still to be seen and is worth the climb for views of the sea , the plain of Holderness , and the village itself with the church standing proudly at the west end of the village .
16 Subsequent cases have demonstrated that the distinction is equally to be applied to commercial situations , for example Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold [ 1988 ] 2 WLR 706 ( see Chapter 11 ) and Colchester Borough Council v Smith ( above ) .
17 ‘ If the ball is there to be won and you 've got to go in to win that ball for your team , then maybe you are going to be in a 40-60 situation — and you 've still got to go in .
18 The minifundium is frequently to be found side by side with the latifundium ; indeed the existence of the great entailed estates increased the pressure of men on the land .
19 Yet the sign is there to be read .
20 The draw-bridge is still to be seen , ’ wrote Johnson , ‘ but the moat is now dry .
21 But the price is still to be paid .
22 The ground is there to be covered .
23 The trade is though to be encouraging the poaching of Ethiopian elephants , and possibly also the smuggling of ivory from neighbouring countries such as Kenya .
24 Similarly if someone has left a certain amount to somebody and has added that the sum can quite easily be offset , since the beneficiary is his debtor on account of Gaius Seius ' estate ; yet the beneficiary does not wish to enter that estate but claims the trust : our emperor replied by rescript that he was claiming the trust against the intention of the testator , since in trusts the intention of the testator is particularly to be regarded and observed .
25 While the legislation is clearly to be seen as evidence of a government 's entitlement to legislate in connection with a national responsibility , it is also interpretable as evidence of the government 's impatience with local authorities .
26 The Report is shortly to be published as a book by the Law Societies with additional materials on the legal professions of the UK and Ireland .
27 Well the potential is there to be more open about how you devise … how bits fit together , and how they relate .
28 The matter is shortly to be discussed by the EC Council of Ministers .
29 However , I understand that the matter is still to be finalised in the Community , and that negotiations are still taking place .
30 No specialist knowledge of computers is needed — there is a series of menus to help you select what to look for , and a ‘ Windows ’ version of the database is soon to be available .
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