Example sentences of "the [noun] than [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Child support will therefore not necessarily be any more reliable or regular in the future than it has been in the past .
2 Retracing my steps , I realized with a shock that I was no more able to find my way back to the village than I 'd been able to find the place we 'd been raking .
3 Storm or no storm , she could no more have returned to the inn than she had been able to return penitent to the bosom of her family six long years ago , when the same stigma would have been laid to her then as had been laid to her now .
4 England was something like a nation by the closing stages of the Hundred Years War with France in the mid-fifteenth century , and France was certainly much more like a nation at the end of the war than she had been at the beginning .
5 The production industry was much less active during the war than it had been before , producing an average of only 69 films annually , and as few as 46 in 1942 .
6 This is not to say that James II ( or VII as he was in his northern Kingdom ) was any more popular in Scotland at the time of the Revolution than he had been in England .
7 She had no wish to hurt Anna and besides , how could she complain when the truth was that she was happier here at the palazzo than she 'd been in a long time ?
8 No such state emerged , however , and 1945 found them no farther along the road than they had been in 1918 .
9 It was unreasonable to suppose that an enlargement of Nicholas I 's " personal " principle could fill the vacuum in the countryside , for when the serfs were free they were even more likely to misinterpret dictates from the centre than they had been as bondmen .
10 There is less scorn in the novel than there had been in the article , and a pity that must have come as surprise to readers of his work .
11 Although there was no hope that her own son and his intimates would forgo their day 's sport , there were those less inclined for the hunt than they had been in their younger days .
12 Within two years the volume of travel was higher practically everywhere in the world than it had been before the war .
13 There was less real poverty among ministers by the end of the century than there had been , but for men who insisted on their professional status and were increasingly better educated , the dilemma was always present .
14 We cut our way through these and , following our python-hunters , who now seemed considerably less enthusiastic about the venture than they had been when they first suggested it , we slid down coconut ropes to the sinkhole floor and to the forbidding cobwebbed entrances which extended from its walls .
15 Her remarks were recorded before events in Tianamen Square and it was clear by the end of the programme that the proper function of current affairs television was less of a live debate inside the country than it had been .
16 For some reason she was more stricken by the loss of the letters than she had been by the news of John 's and Angela 's deaths .
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