Example sentences of "the [noun] that it is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To translate the corpus information a file was created containing two columns — the first field on each line contains the original LOB tag , the second field contains the tag that it is to be translated to .
2 Secondly , the gift must be made upon the condition that it is to be absolute and perfected only on the donor 's death , being revocable until that event occurs and ineffective if it does not .
3 It is clearly laid down in the Act that it is for them to consider whether or not the nuisance exists , whether or not it has been abated , and whether it still exists , and , if it does , it is for them to consider which of the requirements of the abatement notice are to be carried out or how otherwise the nuisance is to be abated .
4 As is usual , our report is provided on the basis that it is for your information only and that it will not be quoted or referred to , in whole or in part , without our prior written consent .
5 Similarly if the house is transferred upon certain terms and conditions ( see Chapter 6 ) s11 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 should relieve the transfer from charge ( see p99 ) on the basis that it is for the maintenance of the other party to the marriage .
6 As you know doubt are aware of the importance that it is to us in that area of the and the current enquiry that 's going on at the moment .
7 To return to the shareholder example , having raised the point that it is in shareholders ' interests to ensure their returns are reasonable , it logically follows that there will be an incentive for them to spend a certain amount of time and money finding out about the firm 's activities and performance .
8 Another spur to ‘ clear leadership ’ would be a field ‘ that so captures the imagination that it is of broad interest to society ’ .
9 Note that Lord Blackburn was convinced that prompt part payment of a debt is in fact a benefit to the creditor but he abandoned the opinion that it is for that reason consideration for the creditor 's promise not to claim the balance .
10 At first it was attributed to an unknown painter of the Giotto school , but more recent academic opinion is hardening to the opinion that it is by the master himself .
11 A defence is provided in section 4(1) of the Act for cases in which ‘ it is proved that publication … is justified as being for the public good on the ground that it is in the interests of science , literature , art or learning , or other objects of general concern ’ .
12 But if the importance of a facade to a street has been recognized once , the argument that it is worth retaining for its contribution to the townscape must be upheld .
13 ‘ I believe they will make moves to close the school within months , using the argument that it is in chaos . ’
14 The very particularity of the sacrament forces upon the penitent the sense that it is on the here and now — that row we had with the neighbours , the bad temper with which we did the washing-up , this specific uncharitable thought or unchaste deed — that salvation and damnation depend .
15 The test is clearly an objective one , in the sense that it is for the magistrates to say after the event whether or not what the defendant did was reasonable .
16 Provided they honestly and reasonably form the opinion that there is a real risk of a breach of the peace in the sense that it is in close proximity both in place and time , then the conditions exist for reasonable preventive action including , if necessary , the measures taken in this case . ’
17 How he could do so at all is something beyond our finite comprehension , and the full significance of the intersection of eternity with time in Jesus is only grasped along with the awareness that it is beyond our power to understand or explain .
18 ‘ It will be useless to observe to the Society that it is of the greatest importance to procure a place as soon as possible , if the Professor is not enabled to begin his Lectures by Christmas ( 1791 ) the establishment will be put off for one year — the Zootomy being strictly the first part he is to begin to teach to the pupils , which everyone knows could not be attempted in the Summer — and it would be feared too long a delay might hurt the success of the establishment . ’
19 But it is clear enough to anyone dealing in checks who thinks about the matter that it is in the public interest to deny collection in those circumstances .
20 Perhaps one method would be to allow small firms to set aside a percentage of profits into a tax free investment vehicle on the understanding that it is to be used for reinvestment within 5 — 10 years .
21 Sex , thus , is not a theme of the Miller 's Tale in the way that it is of Dame Sirith and the Shipman 's Tale .
22 However , with a bit of training a step-up roundhouse kick or reverse roundhouse kick will convince the referee that it is worth a full point .
23 I find it appalling that Warwick , who are now well established in this country , are not apparently concerned with after sales service to the extent that it is at the moment impossible to get spare parts without sending off to Germany .
24 The localized system of medico-pedagogical influence on a child , in so far as it is differentiated in an institution for social education , ought to prevail to the extent that it is in accordance with the natural needs of the child and to the extent that it opens creative prospects for the development of the given structure — biological , social , and economic .
25 Such a policy would be resisted in this country by some professional bodies and by some other groups on the grounds that it is against individual freedom .
26 London University is proposing to cut all funding to the Witt Photographic Library , part of the Courtauld Institute of Art , on the grounds that it is in excess of the Institute 's internal needs .
27 It is the one most commonly used in stage hypnotism , and the fact that it is beyond the reach of many explains why the stage hypnotist ends up by working with about ten people out of as many as sixty volunteers .
28 In Kuwait it is just that we by the way in Kuwait we have two courts , we have the civil courts and we have the Islamic court , and erm Islamic cases go to the Islamic court and otherwise they go to the civil court , except just we we accept erm how to live our live in a modern way and keeping up with the times , and it is a tradition that we have adopted in Kuwait , and the fact that it is for women can drive in Kuwait versus those that do n't in Saudi Arabia , I do n't believe I 'd like to put that in the Islamic context , it 's just a way of life which we have adopted .
29 While its powers will be limited by both the president and the lower house , the fact that it is to be freely elected will give it hard-to ignore moral authority .
30 Recorded in 21 days in a Mitcham garage , the fact that it is on Chrysalis is a mere coincidence .
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