Example sentences of "the [noun] as it is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Important as the academic qualifications are , university is as much about education in the wider sense of the term as it is about lectures , essays and exams .
2 I do n't know the details of the plan as it is of course an Eighth Army operation , but I would like to stress the point that Stirling 's chief value is that of commanding a parachute force .
3 As we have seen , there are distinct limitations on what can be achieved by way of conditions on a planning permission ; this can often be as awkward for the developer as it is for the planning authority .
4 In so doing it suggested a small but distinct improvement on that model : the party-list vote should be the first on the ballot paper , not the second as it is in West Germany , and the constituency vote should come second instead of first .
5 It 's as difficult for the stewards as it is for us , ’ he said .
6 So when you 're looking at a file on the screen , what you 're looking at is the file as it is in the , in the memory of the computer , and if you change your spreadsheet , then all you 're doing is changing what 's in the memory .
7 It 's every bit as much grey men in grey suits on one side of the Commons as it is on the other , with occasional flashes of yellow from Mrs Shephard or Mrs Currie , flashes of grey sports coat from Dennis Skinner and flashes of who knows what from Sir Nicholas Fairbairn .
8 Lionel Salter writes : I am indebted to Dr Lionel Sawkins for pointing out that the version of Delalande 's Te Deum recorded by William Christie is not , as stated ( page 31 of the March issue ) the original ( of 1684 ) but the second surviving version made by Philidor l'aîné for the Comte de Toulouse in 1704–06 , which is ‘ as different from the original as it is from the version recorded by Colléaux ’ .
9 On section eleven , yes we are along with the Liberals , we are trying to maintain the budget against the government cuts , but do n't anybody get away with the impression that that is going to maintain the service as it is at the moment , because we are really to pick up extra pupils .
10 No VAT arises on the reimbursement of such fees to the landlord as it is outside the scope of VAT ( Law Society 's Gazette ( 11 July 1990 ) p 14 ) .
11 What the experienced communicator recognises is that the effectiveness of what is said is as dependent upon how it is said and perceptions and impressions others have of the person presenting the argument as it is upon the quality of argument itself .
12 When fitting 8 spokes all the load is on the studs as it is with RR wheels and should only be used with the larger studs .
13 Shaping like this can also be done on a plain ‘ V ’ neck cardigan by working the cable next to the front edge on the straight and leaving the pattern as it is during the shaping , working the decreases on the inner edge of the cable pattern where it will not show .
14 What 's more it is as kind to the environment as it is to your skin , thanks to our ozone-friendly dispenser .
15 A spokesman said : The traffic on the M4 is just as busy early in the summer as it is in August , and we wanted to get on with the work before the autumn to take advantage of the longer days and better weather .
16 John has been getting to know the world as it is in 1992 , and coming to terms with both dramatic political changes and the way friends have moved on in their lives .
17 In short , patchiness , in space and time , is as much a feature of the oceans as it is of land ; indeed , ‘ patchiness ’ is a great principle in ecology — though it is rarely singled out as such .
18 If the nuclear forum wants to be as effective with the public as it is with press and politicians , it might be well advised to reflect whether it ought to hitch itself quite so fast to the PWR band-wagon .
19 Motorists can expect to see the decoy on any motorway in the region as it is to be moved frequently .
20 Besides building an 18-hole golf course , and charging trainers to exercise their horses on the track , he is instigating another new concept in this country by constructing American-style barns so that training can be done at the track as it is in the United States .
21 They are considering now short-term leases rather than sell on the market as it is at the present , and they are including the clinic in the buildings for which they are looking for alternative uses .
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