Example sentences of "the [noun] [was/were] [prep] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Suggestions that the split was in part a generational conflict were reinforced by figures which indicated that , of the Takeshita faction 's total legislative strength of 109 members , Obuchi was supported by only 19 members in the House of Representatives ( the lower chamber , where members tended to be younger than in the upper chamber ) but by all 42 members in the House of Councillors .
2 Far from identifying a ‘ status group ’ , Wallis argues that in fact the WCTU were in fact a ‘ cultural group ’ .
3 And the loss was in part the loss of some aspect of herself , as irretrievable as past happiness .
4 As I eased the Transit over some of the more violent ruts in the track , I noticed that one of the lean-tos was in fact an old single decker bus from which the wheels had been removed .
5 It was also found that while the aircraft was in service a modification to the door mechanism had been carried out in a way which did not comply with the appropriate service bulletin .
6 Clearchus of Soli , another pupil of Aristotle , who must have read his Megasthenes , went a step further and suggested that the Jews were in fact the descendants of the philosophers of India , whom he called Kalanoi .
7 So you know , nothing might come of that but if it does erm I would be very keen to actually er the , the plan was to second a member of C S M T for six months to do it , and I would be very keen to do it I must admit .
8 The only er solid part of the wardrobe was in fact the front part , which was made of Sorry about that .
9 But the status of the duchy was in essence no different from that of the other great principalities — Flanders , Artois , Burgundy or Anjou .
10 In other words , so long as the campaign was in effect a referendum on the Government 's performance , Labour won .
11 Mr. Clark had to get a bricklayer to repair the walls that were broken and he complained that although the schoolmaster was in attendance the whole time , the boys had made it worse than it was before .
12 The bureaucracy was for Marx the most important instrument by which such domination was exercised .
13 The powerplant was in fact a coupled pair of liquid-cooled Aichi Atsuta 30s that developed 3,400hp .
14 The fish was of course a familiar ecclesiastical emblem , originating with the cryptogram of the early disciples , and then elaborating on the analogy of ‘ fishers of men ’ .
15 The Mimulus was in fact a garden escape , but he allowed it all the same , while conceding that a purist would not .
16 The decree was in part a response to months of student protest against the court ruling , some of the strongest of which had occurred in November 1989 .
17 Also , of course , the ferment in the universities was in part a revolt against the technocratic role which they had been assigned in the Wilsonian scheme of things .
18 Important or insignificant , customs appointments were , however , obtainable only by those who could expect a political favour , and many of the officers were in fact the nominees of a member of parliament and often the active partisans of that politician .
19 Aggie persevered with the kitten and when it was time to get it neutered she went along to the local vet , who informed her that the tomcat was in fact a ‘ she ’ .
20 But anti-fascist campaigners said yesterday they were convinced it was a pseudonym and the organisation was in fact a front for the ultra-right wing British National Party .
21 I liked the way Karen had picked up that my story about the wallet was in fact a message , and I liked the message she was sending back even more .
22 Although they faithfully echoed the time-honoured myth that the Tsarist government stood above social divisions and cared for the interests of all classes , they firmly grasped that the mainstay of the autocracy was in fact the landed nobility .
23 Held , refusing the declarations , that a basic valuation prepared by an employee of a building society was an ‘ action taken by the society in relation to ’ the grant of a further advance within section 83(1) of the Act and since it constituted part of the society 's process of administration , such a valuation , if negligently prepared , could amount to maladministration within paragraph 1 ( d ) of Part III to Schedule 12 to the Act ; that , on the documentation used by the plaintiff societies , a house buyers ' valuation prepared by an employee created a contract between the society and the borrower , which if negligently prepared could amount to a breach of the society 's contractual obligation within paragraph 1 ( a ) of Part III to Schedule 12 ; that although the alleged want of due skill and care might relate to matters not affecting the society 's assessment of the adequacy of the security , the valuation was in reality a single process amounting to an action within section 83(1) ; and that , accordingly , the ombudsman had jurisdiction under the scheme set up under the Act to investigate and determine complaints arising out of basic valuations , house buyers ' valuations , and , since there was no relevant distinction in the nature of the contractual relationship , structural surveys by a society 's employee in the same circumstances ( post , pp. 145A–H , 150B — 151A , H — 152A ) .
24 Records Managers fell into two groups ; the first suggesting that the e-mail message had no legal status since , there was no signature and , due to the lack of control over people allowing their staff access to personal accounts via their own password , there was no proof that the sender was in fact the account holder from which the message was logged .
25 While the norm was in effect a type of seduction poem , in which sexual love is frustrated and unrealized , Shakespeare drops that whole area of human behaviour yet shows that love-poetry is still possible — only a new kind of love .
26 The promotion was in fact a joint one involving 100 titles from both presses .
27 The small resort village of Fluelen at the end of the lake was for centuries an important lake port and customs station where goods were trans-shipped from the lake to mule transport for carriage over the Gotthard .
28 In view of all this , it is hardly surprising that Domesday Book reveals a country in which the church was in places a mighty landowner .
29 The vision was in fact the peak of Sgurr an Lochain , the penultimate top along a ridge traversing the crest of the southern wall of Kintail in a westerly direction , and incorporating the wonderful heights of .
30 This was a typically fashionable thing to do at this the height of the ‘ Picturesque Movement ’ , when romantic thoughts could be conjured in an instant by the sight of a castle , but the reality was of course a different matter .
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