Example sentences of "the [noun] [is] [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The algorithm is supplied with a heuristic function , called f , and it chooses nodes from OPEN in order of their f values .
2 If the defence is used by a drug manufacturer where a new drug has caused damage to users , then provided he can show that laboratory tests showed no defects , he would be justified in marketing the drug while testing is still under way .
3 What happens if the income is paid to a person resident in the United Kingdom and it is paid so that it is received as taxable income in the hands of that beneficiary ?
4 Selecting one as the reference ellipsoid , the effect of the remainder is approximated by a continuum surrounding the reference ellipsoid , thus reducing the problem to one for which there is an exact solution .
5 On the north and south sides , the base is divided into a sub-base 24 inches high , each side containing 104 interchangeable cedar-wood drawers 11 inches long and 3½ inches wide and deep to store the contents when necessary .
6 The court is always reluctant to find a provision void for uncertainty , particularly where the provision is contained in a commercial agreement .
7 Thus , if the ridge is removed from a very early bud only the humerus will develop ; but if it is removed at a later stage the radius and ulna and wrist will develop but the digits will be absent .
8 Here the fuse is used as a back up to the protection afforded by thyristor CSR1 aided and abetted by transistor TR3 .
9 Using this method the handwriting is represented as a sequence of 2-dimensional co-ordinates .
10 The change is made in a finite sequence of discrete steps .
11 If the bulb is attached to a capillary the change in polymer volume can be traced by noting the overall change in volume registered by the movement of the mercury level in the capillary .
12 The Wye is used for a whole range of activities including people who just want to walk the banks or go for picnics .
13 Ueda and Akamatsu present a different view of the attractors by using stroboscopic portraits : the trajectory is sampled at a fixed phase of each driving cycle .
14 The writer is engaged in a kind of vicarious interaction with a presumed reader and anticipates and provides for likely reactions .
15 The TSUG is run by a management committee drawn from the membership and , since its inception , has concentrated its efforts in three main areas :
16 An importer of a product from outside the EEC is treated as a producer .
17 The simplest case is where the clone is propagated through a single , randomly chosen cell .
18 The award is given on a regional basis and sixty five year old Kenneth 's name now goes forward for consideration at national level .
19 your dismissal date fell after your 64th birthday , in which case the award is reduced on a sliding scale .
20 A very thick hard rail , which you can hardly get your hand around , is often used in the mid-sections of a race board where speed is important , since when the board is sailed at a slight angle the thick rail digs in providing more lateral resistance and thereby helping the daggerboard .
21 This is the most satisfying of all the manoeuvres since with enough speed and with the daggerboard retracted the board is turned like a surfboard or ski by weighting the inside edge .
22 It is a very tight version of the carve gybe performed on shorter boards , where the board is turned in a short distance .
23 The board is de-coupled by a capacitor C4 .
24 As can be seen from the photographs , the board is spaced off a sheet of aluminium forming a base ‘ chassis ’ using 6mm spacers , and the mains transformer and rectifier are mounted on the sheet at the input end .
25 The Climbers is linked to a TV series of the same name and has all the hallmarks of a rush job ; grating , uncorrected mistakes of grammar ; indigestible multi-clause sentences ; and an overall lack of purpose or identity .
26 The Superlite jacket from Calange ( £95 ) is both stylish and effective , as the fleece is covered with a windproof and lightweight microfibre .
27 One subunit is shaded and the corepressor is shown as a stick model .
28 The original , unfaded colour of the damask in the saloon is found behind a state portrait .
29 The winner is chosen by a panel of independent journalists and , in addition to receiving a trophy , receives financial support from the awards ' sponsors .
30 The winner is nominated by a board of leading accountants throughout the world — including David Tweedie and Sir Bryan Carsberg .
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