Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb mod] not [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It did not look very neat , he had to admit , but unless the prospective buyer looked down into the cabinet the bodgery would not be discovered .
2 My respectful view , for reasons which your Lordships will have noted , is that both the contention of the defence and the court 's refutation of it were misconceived : the absence of consent on the part of the owner is already inherent in the word ‘ appropriates , ’ properly understood , and therefore the argument for the defence got off on the wrong foot and the counter-argument that the words specified by the defence can not be read into section 1(1) did not assist the prosecution .
3 if income arises in an overseas company owned by an overseas settlement the income can not be taxed upon the settlor under this section ( the " see-through " provision which is now abolished in s681(1) ( b ) never did apply to Chapter II ) ; 2. no reference is made to the domicile of the settlor in Chapter II of Part XV unlike Chapter III ( see s681(1) ) ; 3. no reference is made in s663 to the Case under which the tax charge is to arise .
4 Thus , the income could not be taxed upon the taxpayer , under this head .
5 However , the addition can not be drawn until your husband retires , and if he works on after this age , you will have to wait to receive this pension .
6 The origin and symbolic meaning of some individual motifs and designs are well documented , but the majority can not be traced to any undisputed source , and a number of conflicting mythologies have grown up around them .
7 Certainly the importance of the TPC can not be overemphasised as , with more and more candidates entering the profession with little or no previous work experience , and all professions coming under more frequent pressure from a litigation-conscious public , the need for proven professionalism is greater than ever .
8 are seen as a whole , and the unity should not be destroyed .
9 Any batch failing the checks would not be forwarded for update until corrected .
10 Since clerics had been essentially servants of the Crown rather than of the Church , the change may not be thought to have made much difference .
11 Those at lower organizational levels who will be responsible for implementing various aspects of the change can not be expected to commit to the effort until they see for themselves that the organizational leadership is similarly committed .
12 However , the nature of the change must not be overstated .
13 International relations were therefore changing in 1880 , but the extent of the change must not be exaggerated .
14 Should it be desired to alter this state of affairs , there would be many who would assert that the change could not be made without the consent of the part of the United Kingdom affected , however it were to be expressed .
15 Nevertheless it was held that any false indication given by the retailer could not be said to be due to the act or default of Cadbury since the retailer could quite easily have compared the weights and prices of his existing stock and the new bars to see if the label ‘ Extra value ’ was justified .
16 that the reference to the accounts could not be viewed accurately without viewing the statutory statement of business which filed only just a month or so back reveals a sixteen and a half billion surplus in the members premium trust fund up from twelve and a half billion at the end of proceeding year .
17 It is , of course , important to improve the trial process as much as possible but the trial can not be expected to offer an alternative to testing by way of re-investigation for reasons similar to those that led us to reject prosecutorial review as an alternative .
18 The creditor should not be taken in so doing to have assumed a duty of care .
19 Because the generation of a clone library is essentially a random sampling of intervals from the genome , even in libraries of high coverage there is a probability that some parts of the genome may not be cloned .
20 The names of the people are arbitrary labels , but the point of the sentence can not be grasped unless it is realized that the reason for the questioning was to find out what had happened from someone who had seen it .
21 But Lord Lane said there were factors making the case wholly exceptional , and in all the circumstances the sentence could not be considered unduly lenient .
22 If the aim of the rules of the road is to protect safety , and if the driver broke those rules in a way which may be labelled ‘ reckless ’ , then the risk has been taken and the sentence should not be affected significantly by the materialization or non-materialization of the risk .
23 Ajan said that athletes who tested positive under the technique would not be banned , instead a warning would be issued to the national weightlifting association involved .
24 However , small foci of tumour within an area of fibrosis may be undetectable on MRI , which means that the technique can not be regarded as completely reliable .
25 Also , cooling can produce spectral shifts in emission wavelength , so although it may have potential uses for geological applications where CL emission at room temperature is meagre , the full effects of cooling are at present poorly known and the technique can not be recommended as a regular practice for petrographic purposes .
26 Inflexible or rough-edged blemishes caused by chicken pox or acne and superficial wrinkles around the eyes are not helped by collagen implants and the technique can not be used to enlarge breasts .
27 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
28 Resistor , R2 , limits the current so that in the event of a circuit failure , the l.e.d. will not be destroyed by excessive current as would otherwise be the case .
29 They were opposed by Anthony Cary , Lord Falkland , a Tory , who argued that the throne should not be filled until Parliament had decided what powers to give the Crown , so that " we may secure ourselves from Arbitrary Government " , although in this he was supported by radical Whigs such as Wildman .
30 ( 5 ) that the spending plans submitted should fall within the guidelines described earlier in that the money should not be spent on sets of textbooks , nor for the furnishing or decoration of premises , and that no more than 20% should be allocated to non-book resources
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