Example sentences of "the [noun] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( Anyone who doubts this should recall the images facing them in distorting mirrors at funfairs . )
2 As a result , Mr Vafa , who was living in France at the time , says that allegations of violence made against him by his former wife and her family went unchallenged and resulted in the interdict preventing him from molesting and attacking his wife or members of her family .
3 Throughout July the talks became more acrimonious with the Democrats unable to agree upon a deficit reduction package amongst themselves , and the Republicans accusing them of negotiating in bad faith .
4 In direct contrast with the forceful approach , there must be low risk of the person losing anything from getting involved and committed with your suggestions .
5 The National Security Court was abolished and President Mohammed Siyad Barre was obliged to stand down as chairman of the ruling Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party ( SRSP ) , the constitution preventing him from holding both posts .
6 To prevent this happening chemical agents known as sequestrants are used which bind up the residues preventing them from dropping out of solution .
7 The march was attended by 3,500 ( as compared with 100,000 at a similar march in January — see p. 38736 ) and passed peacefully except that afterwards members of a Trotskyist group , the Revolutionary Communist Youth , broke away and battled with the police preventing them from reaching a hall where Le Pen was speaking .
8 They are introduced to the sources of Careers and Course Information ; to the options facing them on leaving School ; to applications procedures ; to interviews etc .
9 These constitutional provisions had previously been called into question during a highly controversial case in February 1992 when the High Court in Dublin prevented a 14-year-old girl and her family from procuring an abortion or from leaving Ireland for nine months , even though she had repeatedly threatened to commit suicide ; the order preventing her from leaving the country was subsequently lifted after an appeal based on recognition of the equal rights of mother and child and the right to freedom of movement within the EC [ see p. 38780 ] .
10 The commission upheld the claim brought by the Observer , the Guardian and the Sunday Times that the injunctions barring them from printing Wright 's allegations , obtained by the UK government in 1986 [ see p. 35539 ] , breached Article 10 of the Convention safeguarding freedom of expression .
11 We have the problem facing us of implementing the planned museum extension , i.e. of building the mezzanine floor over our landlord 's garage .
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