Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb pp] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The clubhouse was closed to save overheads and the headquarters transferred to a local pub , The Buck .
2 In his speech , the prince returned to a favourite theme — the value of simpler times and the spiritual vacuum created by consumerism — in urging a return to traditional values .
3 There are , of course , problems with measuring and interpreting trade union membership since in the United States , for example , some professional bodies may not call themselves trade unions although they engage in bargaining activities and in France the only source of such statistics is from the unions themselves ( or , indirectly , via the support given to the various unions in elections for enterprise committees ) .
4 The support given to the Urban Foundation showed British recognition of the acute shortage of housing for blacks in South Africa 's urban areas , a move welcomed by Nthato Motlana , chairman of Soweto 's civic association .
5 of the award made to the successful assisted party .
6 of the award made to the successful assisted party .
7 One part of the explanation lies in the intensional value of the respective constructions , and the other in the meanings attached to the various adjectives by the speaker .
8 What is the logic that dictates that the shareholders should be entitled to the corporate surplus , instead for instance of the employees or management , with the entitlement of the shareholders reduced to a fixed return on capital ?
9 The scheme usually provides that consideration cheques remaining uncashed after a reasonable period ( often six months ) will be cancelled and the money transferred to an independent trustee in a separate interest-bearing bank account .
10 The taxpayer transmitted the case stated to the High Court out of time and the Court was thus deprived of its jurisdiction to hear the appeal .
11 Accordingly , the ruling would be quashed and the case remitted to the Special Commissioners .
12 ‘ The Palace at the highest level is very angry at the damage done to the Korean trip and the wrong impression given that the Queen ordered Diana to go . ’
13 ‘ What really intrigued me was the scorch mark on the outside of the door facing the gallery , as well as the damage done to the heavy bedstead .
14 After dutifully inspecting the destruction at the El Azziziya barracks , where the Libyan leader lived , at the port of Sidi Balal and at Tripoli airport , as well as the damage done to the French Embassy and to civilian homes adjoining the target areas , Coleman left the media pack clamouring for phone lines at the El Khebir hotel or doing ‘ stand-ups ’ on the roof and went off on his own .
15 These sums can then be varied over time to reflect changes consequent upon the damage caused to the injured party .
16 This is because the contract related to a limited context which is the research situation .
17 In a typical example , the land will be bought by a development company ; a geological survey done by surveyors ; plans drawn up by architects ; the plans submitted to the local authority for approval and to check that they comply with the Building Regulations , which lay down minimum standards for public health and safety ; a builder engaged to construct the houses , who may sub-contract certain aspects of the work to specialist firms .
18 In contrast , an unavoidable cost is one that is going to be incurred whether or not the decision related to a particular opportunity is accepted or rejected .
19 This latter point would lie clear , for example , if the buyer responded to the anticipatory breach by indicating that due delivery was still expected .
20 In doing so , we were particularly interested in the degree to which the proposals conformed to an evolving set of guidelines , and seemed likely to accord with the stated objectives of the project .
21 Sales of farm inputs and opportunities for new investment in food processing and related activities are increasing in the poor countries in close relation to the acreage planted to the high-yielding varieties .
22 Nor are the parallels confined to the inner city .
23 We may examine the technologies applied to the basic raw materials in early Anglo-Saxon society , wood , metal , clay , fibres and minerals , paying particular attention to aspects which are peculiar to the period and leaving the general matters of technology as understood .
24 From one cage he removed a glossy coated rat , rolled the parchment into the phial attached to a hind leg , and let the animal go .
25 The most important difference was the protection given to the embalmed body itself .
26 The tribunal decided that the payment related to a standard-rated supply of services by the tenant in the course of his business because ( a ) the landlord provided consideration , and ( b ) that consideration was for the tenant doing something ( signing the lease with the repair clause ) .
27 Having addressed themselves to the army and the treasury , the authorities turned to the Orthodox Church .
28 ‘ When the poor man was asleep , someone came upstairs and began to pull the thread attached to the slow fuse which was left lying out on the gallery .
29 NO ACCESS the current user may not access the package , as the package manager has not made the password known to the current user .
30 A sudden wash of laughter and raised voices shattered the silence as the doors opened and from the area of the stage , the performers returned to the small dingy dressing-rooms .
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