Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb past] [adv] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The remainder had all been in favour of killing her .
2 Euratom would probably have run into similar difficulties even if the EEC had not been in place .
3 The implication was that the slaughter had all been in vain .
4 Dr Laternser immediately rose to protest that the witness had never been in the German army and therefore could not properly be asked or answer any such questions .
5 The car had previously been in a collision caused by the negligence of the first defendant .
6 The count upon which he was acquitted , that he had allegedly bought crack cocaine from a Washington dealer on Sept. 7 , was refuted by defence witnesses who testified that the mayor had not been in the vicinity of the alleged transaction on the day in question .
7 Many of the marchers had never been on a CND march .
8 Middlesbrough were portrayed as extravagant young upstarts ( the club had only been in the Football League since 1899 ) , and Sunderland were reproached for daring to ask for such a sum .
9 But the killer shot certainly was at the 13th when Seve drove into the bunker .
10 The wardrobe illustrated here is from the Acme range .
11 The work carried out is in demand from film and television producers .
12 A report from a social worker revealed the girl had not been to school since November last year .
13 The communists had never been in a better position than they were in in , in nineteen forty eight , the civil war was , was clearly going in their favour erm they were to achieve power within eighteen months and at precisely the point where they had everything going for them , they are adopting the most moderate policy .
14 The cat had probably been in the vestry and undone the parcel they were in , though it was just as likely that Sophia had given her one to play with .
15 A representative of the 15-member Commonwealth observer group said that the elections had been free and fair , although the process had not been without incident and there were imperfections in the electoral lists .
16 He explained that although the lad had not been on the mainline before , he was a good , reliable and sensible lad .
17 British air travel before the war had largely been in the hands of two companies , British Airways for European services and Imperial Airways for services further afield .
18 The Residency itself would be lost : the Collector had never been in doubt about that .
19 The Shah had repeatedly been to American during the last thirty years. ; he had been welcomed with full honours as not only an important chief of state by also a vital ally by every single president since Harry Truman .
20 Every bill of lading in the hands of a consignee or endorsee for valuable consideration representing goods to have been shipped on board a vessel shall be conclusive evidence of such shipment as against the master or other person signing the same , notwithstanding that such goods or some part thereof may not have been so shipped , unless such holder of the bill of lading shall have had actual notice at the time of receiving the same that the goods had not been in fact laden on board : Provided , that the master or other person … may exonerate himself … by showing that it was caused without any default on his part , and wholly by the fraud of the shipper or the holder , or some person under whom the holder claims .
21 Football specials still arrive at Wadsley Bridge although the station had not been in normal use since 1959 .
22 The station had always been for her a place instinct with glory ; its function beautified it immeasurably in her eyes .
23 So far though the viewers had not been at all suitable .
24 The father had only been in the country six months and had no means of supporting his son .
25 Maybe , as William strongly suspected , this first communion between the rat and the marmot had not been without violence and rattus rattus , being the little fucker he was , had savagely copulated with the small , pretty , squirrel-like creature — and then torn her throat out .
26 The manager had often been to Holborn , and drunk her father 's wine .
27 The Tilean had obviously been in the Empire long enough to look to its patron deity , Sigmar of the Hammer , for protection .
28 The same line of attack was used against Massachusetts ; the charter had already been under examination , and in 1684 the courts ruled that Massachusetts had exceeded its authority and the charter was forfeited .
29 The poets had always been on the side of the people .
30 The first defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the deputy judge had been wrong in law in holding that for the substituted section 9 ( b ) of the Wills Act 1837 to be satisfied the testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions ; and ( 2 ) there was no sufficient evidence upon which the deputy judge could have found that the testator had not been of testamentary capacity at the time he had made and signed the alleged codicil on 18 April 1986 .
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