Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun prp] and [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I want to see , I 'm I mean I saw Mr and erm Mr nodding when Martin said he wanted to give these figures to the Chief Exec and ask him to er get it sorted out .
2 On the contrary , it proved , beyond any doubt , that the Templars were familiar with the Atbash Cipher and employed it in their own obscure , heterodox rites .
3 Who sent them down to the Florida Keys and left them there in hurricane months ?
4 The Economist called it the Consumer-Credit Snowball and pronounced it well and truly rolling .
5 Then as he pulled open the door of the Alfa Romeo and invited her to climb inside , he suddenly caught her arm and looked down into her face .
6 Look me in the eye Goldberg and tell me whether that picture was any good .
7 The British government — and a substantial number of British citizens — effectively opted to exclude Blacks from the United Kingdom and deny them their rights to live as equals with other British subjects .
8 That can mean only that the common agricultural policy is to be reformed in such a way as to take money from the United Kingdom and give it for cohesion to countries outside .
9 Rudyard Kipling ( who once was forced to travel on a migrant train in the United States and found it a ‘ nightmare ’ ) encountered a peculiarly American hazard for the famous traveller .
10 The fungal affinity of these bizarre forms was not recognised until the 1850s , when Charles Robin and Camille Montagne described the genus Laboulbenia and placed it in the class Ascomycetes .
11 Montgomery too had paused to reorganize his lines of communication , but planned a final assault to dislodge the Afrika Korps and drive them right back into Tunisia in December .
12 Fifteen thousand feet below us flowed the Hunza River and edging it , like fine purfling , the Karakoram Highway .
13 He wanted to get on with the job of examining the clothes and , he hoped , identifying the body , but he had another job to do first — to call on the River Police and give them such facts as he had .
14 Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port they traversed from top to bottom , coming into the town through the Porte Saint-Jacques and leaving it again some four or five hundred yards lower down , through the Porte d'Espagne .
15 Realising that before another couple of days had passed , she and Sarah would be able to make the journey Kirkbymoorside and book them two inside seats on the Leeds coach .
16 With a swift movement he picked up one of the Lal Khals and kissed it on its head .
17 ‘ And frankly , I could n't disappear to the West Indies and leave you all in this mess with the business . ’
18 Israel also took control of the water sources of the West Bank and integrated them into its national water system .
19 But get out the Union Jack and wave it frantically — there are some real gems now being released by UK companies Kosmos , School Software of Ireland , Europress ( with their latest Fun School products , Paint&Create , and Spelling Fair ) and from the Scottish software house , Lander .
20 He had propped the tarpaulin trailer-cover against the Land Rover and weighted it with jerry cans to eliminate the wind that swept under the vehicle .
21 As soon as he walked through the door of the rather dark basement flat in the Bayswater Road and heard her explain that Pauline 's boyfriend was ill so she had gone off to his place to see what she could do for him , Freddie wanted to flee .
22 Suggestions were that it was to rendezvous with another English force crossing into the Middle March ; or to meet up with Dunbar on the East March and convince him to join Balliol actively .
23 E/1omund 's daughter E/1owyn rides into battle and confronts the Nazgul Lord and kills him even though she herself lies near to death for a time afterwards .
24 Mere are many more nights when you will attend the Court of the Soul Eaters and render us homage . ’
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