Example sentences of "the [noun] [coord] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As well as the nastiness being endlessly stirred up by her mother , who whispered lies about him , saying he only wanted Sien for the posing and would drop her back in the gutter when he was done , there was Sien 's wretched pimp of a brother to contend with .
2 It may be pure conjecture but he gives the impression that he knows the words to The Sash and could sing them backwards , and it was hardly surprising when football fans nicknamed him ‘ Agent Orange ’ .
3 This is because his opponents in Congress set the rules and can change them whenever they want ; Congress amended the constitution more than 300 times during 1992 .
4 ‘ Not in the least ’ , he told me , ‘ In fact , it lets us off the hook and will enable us to have more freedom perhaps than before ’ .
5 There is no point in sending out actual photographs with every press release , but a clear photocopy will give the reporter a good idea of the building and may persuade his editor to send a photographer to take special pictures for the newspaper .
6 The softener will need to be connected to a waste and overflow pipe leading to the drains and will require its own electrical connection from a fused connection unit for the clock .
7 It was decided to teach him the final lesson , which would also warn off other émigrés who thought that they were secure in the West and could say what they liked about Ceauşescu .
8 Even if you do n't normally wear make-up , you will probably need some on your wedding day as white or even ivory reflects on the skin and could leave you with a washed-out look .
9 The move strengthens CRH 's retailing operations in the Netherlands and will lift its annual clay brick production in that country above 50 million .
10 Rodrigo De Triano also figures in the entries and will take his chance if the ground stays as he likes it .
11 Hopefully , in the near future , I will say that I am cured , but I do know that whatever I have learned about myself , through the Alexander Technique , will always be with me in the future and will help me through any other crisis in the time to come .
12 He explained that he knew the velocity of the bomb-fragments and could calculate their time of arrival in his head .
13 FIserve expects $23.5m from the offering and will use it for working capital , possible repayment of debt and acquisitions of complementary businesses .
14 Replying to a TODAY story on Saturday headlined The Man Most Likely To , he said he was still friendly with the princess but would do nothing to embarrass her .
15 by the late Seventies it was generally acknowledged that a funding system partially dependent on the departments would be unlikely to assure speedy progress towards a comprehensive service in the sector and would do nothing to reduce the substantial regional inequalities in the distribution of extra hospital facilities .
16 Possible , but if I was a BNP yob I 'd think he was taking the piss and would throw something , and if I was n't , I might throw something anyway because nationalism stinks — keep those ‘ Ethnic Cleansing ’ concentration camps in your mind .
17 In continuous-process plants workers are liberated from the rhythm of the machine and can set their own pace .
18 He guessed rightly that little Didier Bluot was leading me into the cemetery and would direct me to Montaine 's grave .
19 Now I know that if I hold my arm up but keep it still she has the benefit of the updraught and will open her wings and take off .
20 Word reached Peter Wheeler , the Leicester coach , of a young lad at Wakefield , a full-back , a slick-running full-back at that , who not only could kerplonk the ball like a metronome between the posts but could do it with either foot .
21 They could n't be allowed to do this , because they were still attached to the creance and might get themselves caught up round the perch .
22 In my judgment , therefore , the court exercising the inherent jurisdiction in relation to a 16- or 17-year-old child who is not mentally incompetent will , as a matter of course , ascertain the wishes of the child and will approach its decision with a strong predilection to give effect to the child 's wishes .
23 It is repugnant to those of us who value civil rights in the community and will do nothing to alleviate the immediate situation .
24 The Government has a majority in the Commons and can force its measures through relying on such factors as the " whip system " and party loyalty .
25 Thus , Cliftonville have pushed themselves very much into the picture and can enhance their claim by taking care of RUC at Newforge .
26 There he was to search the Scriptures and the writings of the early Fathers and write a book which would be distributed to the universities and would enable them to give their advice as to whether the Pope had authority to enable a man to marry his deceased brother 's wife .
27 This zest should be carried into the transcendent and should bring us to the horizons of mental thought .
28 when the child understands the purpose of the routine and can carry it out
29 They represent Carpene Malvolti from the Veneto and can supply its delicious Prosecco di Conegliano , with its delicate lemony nose , and soft yeasty fruit , for £6.95 .
30 They are permanently based at the Apollo and must acquaint themselves with every scene change of each production .
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