Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Corbett leaned over and gripped the porter tightly by the shoulder .
2 Wilkinson 's failure to strengthen the defence especially at the centre back position ( and right back through most of last year ) will continue to hinder the team and deny us a claim of genuine championship contenders .
3 ( With field coding , the interviewer asks an open question but codes the response immediately from a checklist not shown to the respondent . )
4 Cos a I I 've got the contracts right in the Body Shop , we got Karen she used to work in Superdrug , and she came in there the other day and I 'm saying , och , do you know Michelle ?
5 The statutory assignment has the advantage of enabling the purchaser to enforce the contracts directly against the supplier rather than through the vendor .
6 A chimney led from the side of the boiler away to the end of the shed .
7 The Fort was a warren of underground tunnels and batteries and in every way a security nightmare , and the Prince 's staff and members of BitC ( also involved in the outing ) , who had done the recce , realized they had to get the Prince away from the youth schemes and down into the safety of the seminar very quickly .
8 With the velocity , as long as it stays up there , it 's travelling in the direction away from the starting line .
9 The court did , however , renew the validity of the writ for a period of four months , notwithstanding the expiry both of the writ and the limitation period , to allow alternative means of service to be used .
10 AIDS must have been exceedingly rare before the mid-1970s anywhere in the world .
11 When they started to gather for another push , the second wave of mounted police went in , scattering the pickets right across the field .
12 The Soviet Defence Minister , Dmitri Yazov , visits the Pentagon today for a meeting with the US Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney .
13 There was a general atmosphere of despondence after the euphoria earlier in the year .
14 Ah Ah , right , I have n't got the change yet at the moment , I 'll have
15 This leads some to claim it for immediately after the return , but it can as well be immediately before the flight , and in any case it dates the change securely to the time around 480 .
16 In preparing for war in 1337 it was essential for Edward to gain the support both of the nobility and of the wider political community .
17 The five Home Secretary nominees with the support even of a minority of say three of the councillors will almost certainly be able to elect the Chairman of the authority who will then have in addition to his deliberatory vote a casting vote .
18 If it is more than 30 -C , move the bulb further from the soil .
19 Bulbs that are too near the surface can make thick temporary roots ( contractile roots or ‘ droppers ’ ) which pull the bulb deeper into the soil .
20 Once they had reached the safety of the dug-out , the orderlies dumped the stretcher unceremoniously on the ground .
21 ONE OF Britain 's most powerful and modern locomotives was named The Scotsman yesterday at a ceremony in Edinburgh 's Waverley Station .
22 be , breathing problem is the allergy either to the dust in the air or the mites
23 Gathering his strength , he pried his left leg free of the BMW and dragged the bike upright against the bank .
24 As paragraph 16.1 of Code C makes clear , the police officer is obliged to charge a suspect as soon as he believes that there is sufficient evidence for a prosecution to succeed , but nobody could expect the police simply to cease work on the case and rely at the trial only on the material revealed up to the moment of charging .
25 ( 4 ) In an action for personal injuries ; ( a ) the number of expert witnesses shall be limited in any case to two medical experts and one expert of any other kind ; ( b ) nothing in para ( 1 ) above shall require a party to produce a further medical report if he proposes to rely at the trial only on the report provided pursuant to Ord 6 , r 1(5) or ( 6 ) but , where a further report is disclosed , that report shall be accompanied by an amended statement of the special damages claimed , if appropriate .
26 It would seem , therefore , that there is some sort of life to be eked out in the dark world on the periphery of the EEC even before the foundation , hopefully in 1993 , of the European Economic Area by which 380 million people of Efta and the EEC are to join forces to provide one ‘ home market ’ .
27 Furthermore , de Gaulle delivered a second veto against British entry to the EEC shortly after the decision to devalue .
28 And the flames all round the pontoon .
29 Lewis 's and Blackler 's burnt out , and Lime Street — you ca n't hardly move for the hosepipes all over the ground . ’
30 A has its meaning within the couplet only in the light , or sense , of B , and B in the light , or sense , of A. In the case of Isa 40.3 , for instance , the couplet does not mean B , even if B is more precise than A. It means ( i ) prepare Yahweh 's way in the sense of making straight a highway , and it means ( ii ) make straight the highway as an act of preparing a way for Yahweh , and it means both of these things concurrently .
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